WSEAS Multiconference: MCBC, MCBE, ICAMSL, ICAI 2003 in Puerto De La Cruz,
December 19-21, 2003, Puerto De La Cruz,
Tenerife, Canary islands, Spain
"It was a great conference!" The organizers used to hear
this phrase along with numerous "congratulations" from the participants.
Below, you can find several photos (see also
Prof. B. Tafaghodinia that raised the flag of WSEAS in the
of Teide in Tenerife). The Scientific part was excellent with many important contributions, important discussions
and several scientific conclusions. A new feature was the "Library" of the conference where
many participants were gathered discussing for new projects and new collaborations. Our
camera has photographed a member writing a proposal (see photo below).
All the scientific sessions were very successfull and the conference rooms were full, in spite of the fact that the (all-the-year) summer weather of Tenerife and the local attractions (castles, forests, natural parks, "underwater zoo", museums and the world famous Volcano Teide) of this exotic island
could have attracted many guests outside the conference.
Over than 300 papers were submitted to this superb WSEAS event!

Professor V. Marakhovsky (Japan) is presenting his invited lecture

Professor C. D'Attelis (Argentina) is chairing his
invited session.
Professor C. D'Attelis will be the organizer of this multiconference
in Buenos Ayres, Argentina, March 2005.

Professor Z. Panian (Hungary) at the left and Professor
J.B.Grau (Spain) are smiling after the success of their session

Writing a draft proposal for a new joint project in the
of the hotel

Professor S. Stanislaw (Poland) is presenting the
in an optimization problem in electrochemical systems

Professor Z. Martinakova-Rendekova (Slovakia) is presenting
her invited lecture.

From left to right: Mrs. Caballero (USA), Professor C. González Concepción
Prof. A Caballero (USA), Prof. María Candelaria Gil Fariña (Spain) and
Prof. C. Pestano Gabino (Spain)

Professor L.Simoni (Italy) presents the second Plenary Lecture

Professor V.Uskov (USA) is presenting a paper on web-based

Professor N. Akasaka (Japan) at the left and Prof. H Miyajima (Japan) at
the right are
smiling after the success of their session.

Professor N. Akasaka (Japan) is presenting one of his papers.

Young scholars from Spain, Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea during the

Smiles during the coffee-break

Smiles during the coffee-break. In the background:
other hotels.

Smiles during the coffee-break. In the background, the volcano Teide of
Tenerife and another

In front of the secretariat' laptop, with the local
traditional customs of Tenerife!

In front of the conference room ...

FELICES FIESTAS (=Happy Holidays), special for the Banquet of WSEAS.

The orchester with local Canary Folklore Songs is passing around the
tables of the

Prof. Nikos Mastorakis (Greece) and Prof. Teresa Ramos (Spain) with the orchester