Report from WSEAS / IASME Conferences
NNA'04, FSFS'04, EC'04 and MM'04  (Udine, Italy, March 25-27 2004)

The Conferences NNA, FSFS and EC were held at Udine (Italy) from March 25 to March 27 2004. It was the 5th successful meeting of many scholars from all over the world working on Neural Networks and Applications (NNA), Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems (FSFS) and Evolutionary Computation (EC).
     The conferences were held in Tenerife (Spain) in February of 2001 and in Rethymno (Greece) in July of 2001 also. The third NNA, FSFS, EC were held in  Interlaken (Switzerland) in Februry of 2002,
will the fourth 
NNA, FSFS, EC took place in Vouliagmeni (Greece) in May of 2003.

     Many strong theoretical contributions as well as several smart applications of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms were presented, but we would like to insist on the great number of theoretical papers in these conferences. Not only electrical engineers and computer scientists, but also pure and applied mathematicians contributed with high-level papers.

     The best papers (after strict selection) were also published in the WSEAS Trans. on SYSTEMS, Issue 2, Vol. 3, April 2004. This great special issue will be a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration for future research in every branch of computational intelligence.

     It is true that the NNA 2004, FSFS 2004 and EC 2004 was the best conference in Computational Intelligence that WSEAS has never organized.

     Simultaneously the first IASME Conference "Mechanics and Mechatronics 2004" (MM'04) were held with a very good participation. Selected papers of this conference (after further review and selection) will also appear in the IASME Transactions. Famous Professors in Mechanics and Mechatronics gave excellent plenary lectures also (Prof. Ferrari, Univ. of Ohaio and Prof. Rossi, Univ. of Padova).

     Impressive was also the participation in almost all the sessions and, on the other hand, the interaction between scholars and the discussions were continuous. For example, in many sessions, several pure mathematicians, working in fuzzy logic met practitioners from industry that improve the methodologies of fuzzy control. In other sessions, new neural networks' methodologies were proposed (for example how to solve differential equations using neural networks) as well as we listen some breakthrough works on the genetic algorithms' area. Several new applications on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Automatic Control were also presented.

     An excellent banquet (see pictures below) and a wonderful excursion in Venice (Venezia) (see pictures below also) completed the great success of the  NNA 2004, FSFS 2004 and EC 2004 and MM'04.


Important participation in the sessions of NNA'04, FSFS'04, EC'04, and MM'04

Young researchers (many of them are members of WSEAS)

Important participation in all the sessions of NNA'04, FSFS'04, EC'04, and MM'04

Wonderful banquet ...

A gift-surprise from the Hotel in the banquet

A gift-surprise from the Hotel in the banquet

Cultural Activities during the excursion in Venice (Venezia)

Cultural Activities during the excursion in Venice (Venezia)

Moments from the excursion (S.Marc' square in Venezia)

The famous four horses of S.Marc' cathedral (taken from Constantinople in 1204,
4th crusade)

Other Cultural Activities in S.Marc' square (Venice)  during the excursion

Cultural Activities in S.Marc' square (Venice) during the excursion

Interior of S.Marc' cathedral seen from the central nave with the byzantine cross

Interior of S.Marc' cathedral: Crucifixion (Great central arch). XIII Century

Interior of S.Marc' cathedral: Virgin Maria (holy mother) on the Throne between
Saint John and Saint Marc.