Strategies for university lecturer training
within the
3rd WSEAS/IASME International Conference on
Arcachon, France, October 13-15, 2007
One of the purposes of the Bologna
process is to establish quality assurance standards in the European
higher education area throughout Europe. It is important to train
university lecturers in order to achieve this goal. This session
pretends to meet educational researchers whose research interests
are to find strategies and methodologies for university lecturer
Teaching portfolio analysis
Video recording for teaching improvement
Educational seminars and Teaching courses
Self-Evaluation and self-reflection on Teaching
Experiences exchange by means of
multidisciplinary groups
Teaching innovation in higher education
Self-evaluation guide
New technologies applied to teaching and their
Teaching improvement techniques
Prof. PhD.
Jaime Lloret, Department of Communications, Polytechnic
University of Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Program Committee:
PhD. Vicenta
Eloina Garcia Felix, Department of Educational Sciences,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Luis A. Tortajada-Genaro, Department of Chemistry,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Pedro Yuste-Perez, Department of Computer
Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Esther Sanabria-Codesal, Department of Applied
Mathematics, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Francisco J. Colomer-Mendoza, Department of
Mechanical Engineering and Construction, Jaume I University,
Castellon, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Carlos A. Hernandez-Franco, Department of
Communications, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Ma Loreto Fenollosa-Ribera, Department of
Economy and Social Sciences, Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Jaime Jimenez-Ayala, Department of Construction
Engineering &
Civil Engineering Projects, Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Prof. PhD. Ignacio Bosch Roig, Department of Communications,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
PhD. Laura Fuster-Lopez, Department of Conservation and
Restoration of Cultural Goods, Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
PhD. Sara Vilar-Garcia, Department of sculpture, Polytechnic
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
PhD. Encarna Blasco-Tamarit, Department of Chemistry and Nuclear
Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
PhD. Pablo Sanchis Kilders, Department of Communications,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
PhD. Borja Vidal Rodriguez, Department of Communications,
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
Jorge Preciado Romero,
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Polytechnic University of
Valencia, Valencia, Spain
E-mail address:
You can submit via
the web site of the conference:
please, click here, fill in the web form
writing the title of your Session in the appropriate field
Brief Biography of
the Organizer:
Jaime Lloret received his M.Sc. in Physics in 1997 at University of
Valencia and he finished a postgraduate Master in Corporative
networks and Systems Integration from the Department of
Communications in 1999. Later, he received his M.Sc. in Electronic
Engineering in 2003 at University of Valencia and his Ph.D. in
telecommunication engineering (Dr.Ing.) at the Polytechnic
University of Valencia in 2006. Before concluding his PhD. Thesis he
obtained the first place given by the Spanish Agency for Quality
Assessment and Accreditation for the Campus of Excelence in the New
Technologies and Applied Sciences Area. He is a Cisco Certified
Network Professional Instructor and he teaches Local Area Networks
and Systems Integration in the "Escuela Politecnica Superior de
Gandia" from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He has been
working as a network designer and administrator in several
companies. He has been one of the proceedings editors of the "3rd
Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica
2004" proceedings and in the "4th WSEAS International Conference on
Applied Informatics and Communications" proceedings. He is one the
editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Mobile
Communications, Networks, and Computing (JMCNC) and one of the
Editorial Board Member of the Advanced Transactions on Sensors. He
has been a guest editor in "WSEAS Transaction on Computers, Issue 6,
Volume 3, December 2004" and in “WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and
Systems, Issue 10, Volume 3, December 2004”. Dr. Lloret is a TPC
member of WSEAS, IASTED, IARIA, and he has been involved in 15
IPCs of international conferences till 2007. He is the chairman of SENSORCOMM 2007, which proceedings will be published by IEEE
Computer Society Press. Nowadays, his fields of academic interest
and research are P2P networks, Wireless Local Area Networks, Sensor
Networks and Routing Protocols. He also researches on educational
approaches and strategies.