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* I declare that I have the necessary funds to register and participate in the conference in case of paper acceptance. I have read and agreed to the WSEAS terms. I agree and I understand that the WSEAS does not accept Abstracts, but only Full Papers. So, I will upload now my full paper (Abstracts are rejected by default -- do not upload Abstracts)

I have written the paper following faithfully the WSEAS instructions. I declare also that I will make registration and I will present the paper in the conference. I have not sent the paper to any other conference or journal (including WSEAS). The fields marked with a * are mandatory. I will fill in this form very carefully and I understand that possible mistakes will appear in the conference program and in the conference proceedings.

* The paper is submitted to the following general tracks of the conference:

Responsible (for the whole correspondence) Author's Profile:

First Name
(Only the first letter must be capital): *

Last Name
(Only the first letter must be capital): *

Position: *   
Sex * Female Male
Address: *
Country: *   
Tel. prefix:
Email [IMPORTANT: without completing correct email address(-es), your registration is null] *
Additional emails if available (for safety in our correspondence)

If you use more than one email address, you must separate
them only by comma (,) -- NOT by blank spaces!

Paper Necessary Information:

Title of the Paper:* (Not in Capital Letters, please! Not within quotation marks. If you are sending 2 or 3 or ... papers, you must fill in the whole form 2, 3 ... times respectively).

Authors as they appear in the Paper:(Write with small letters the name of the authors - including yourself - exactly as they appear in the paper. Fill in it as follows: First Name Last Name of each co-author. Only the first letter of the First Name and first letter of the Last Name must be Capital.

Email addresses of all the authors:(Write here all the email addresses of all the authors, including yours. Separate the emails of all the authors only by comma (,) -- NOT by blank spaces or other character).

Exact number of pages of your paper:*

Please, select:    3,    4,    5,    6,   7,    8,    9.

Abstract:* Copy and paste here the Abstract of your paper (in text format)).
Keywords:* (Write 5 - 10 Keywords. Only the first letter of each Keyword must be Capital).

EXTENSION of the file NAME that you are sending now:*
Please, select:    .pdf,    .doc,    .ps,    .rtf,   
(LaTeX users must convert their file to PostScript, .ps, using their software program using double columns and single-spaced format).

If your paper is not ready or if it is not written in WSEAS Sponsored Conferences format, don't fill in this form yet. If your system or server has some problem regarding the submission of this form, send your paper using the email address of the main page of the conference web page. Please, before sending it, review the above form once again. By pressing the radio-button CONTINUE below, you will open an appropriate new form from where you will be able to upload your file. For your second, third, etc... paper, fill in again this form and press CONTINUE.

The following 2 fields are completed only if your paper belongs to a Workshop or to a Special (or invited) session.

Workshop and/or Special Sessions: (If your paper belongs to some Special Session or Workshop, write here the Title of the special session or workshop, otherwise ignore this field).

Organizer of the Workshop / Session: (If your paper belongs to some special session or workshop, write here the name of the Chairman/Organizer of the session, otherwise ignore this field.

Please make sure that all the details are correct. You will be forwarded to another form to upload your paper (your file) requiring to have the extension that you selected above. By pressing the Button CONTINUE below, you have confirmed and declared that all the above information is exact and correct. Also, by sending this form, you have accepted that: your paper will be presented at the conference and at least one author will be registered. Also, by sending this form, you have transferred the copyright of your paper to WSEAS. The transfer of copyright includes without limitation mechanical, electronic and visual reproduction, electronic storage and retrieval, and all other forms of electronic publication or any other types of publication including all subsidiary rights. This copyright belongs irrevocably to WSEAS.


Only for Faculty Members or Senior Researchers in Industry and in Research Centers: Do you want to participate in the International Scientific Committee (you must organize a Special Session). If yes, write below the Web Address with your CV.


The submission of the present form lasts 4-7 seconds. If you have problems in uploading, send your paper by email to us as attached file.

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