Students, Reviewers,
Commercial Sponsors,
Partners for Research
The WSEAS Organizing Committee addresses an
open call here to:
Students can help the organizing committee during the conference. The
Organizing Committee will select students, that have not a paper to
present and they are not co-authors in any paper, to contribute as
volunteers in the success of the meeting. For them the Organizing Committee
will offer:
1. Free Registration in the Conference
2. Full Conference Bag with the Proceedings
3. Free Participation in all the Social Activities of the Conference
4. Certification of Attendance
5. A Book or a Journal from WSEAS
The students that will be selected will
attend the sessions that are nearer to their scientific interest. During the
sessions, they will be responsible for the technical details and technical
equipment (computers, projectors) and they will assist the presenters
installing their presentations (pdf files, power point files, etc...) in the
computer. They will assist also in the registration desk and during the
social activities as well.
Send your CV to WSEAS now
by email reporting the particular conference that you want to be
selected as a

The WSEAS Organizing Committee addresses an
open call here also to:
(they will review the papers of the conference)
Send your CV to WSEAS
now by email reporting the particular conference that you want to assist
as Reviewer.
Commercial Sponsors
will support the conference financially)
Send your proposal to
WSEAS now by email reporting the particular conference that you want to
(they will exhibits
their products)
Send your proposal to
WSEAS now by email reporting the particular conference where you
want to exhibit your products
Partners in our Research
(they will be partners in research projects that run in WSEAS
Send your proposal to WSEAS
now by email reporting the particular conference that you want to be
selected as a volunteer