Plenary Lecture
Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems Based on Sensor Networks and
Multivariable Estimation Techniques

Professor Constantin Volosencu
Department of Automatics and Applied Informatics
Faculty of Automatics and Computers
“Politehnica” University of Timisoara
Bd. V. Parvan nr. 2
Timisoara, 300223
Abstract: In the last years sensor
networks have proved their huge viability in the real world, even if their
resources in terms of energy, memory, computational power and bandwidth are
strictly limited. One of the important problems related to the usage of
wireless sensor networks in harsh environments is the identification of the
states of the physical variables in the field, based on the measurements
provided by the sensors. The sensor networks allow the usage of the
multivariable estimation techniques in distributed systems. The paper
presents a short survey of some characteristics of the sensor networks,
distributed parameters systems and identification techniques. An examples of
application of modeling of distributed systems in sensor networks and
identification based on multivariable identification with auto-regression is
presented. Some results of practical implementation of this method using a
sensor network for temperature and humidity measurements are presented.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Constantin Volosencu graduated in 1981 the Faculty of
Electrotechnics, “Traian Vuia” Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, Romania,
as an engineer in automatics and computers and he is doctor in control
systems at “Politehnica” University of Timisoara. In present he is professor
at “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of Automatics and
Computers, Department of Automatics and Applied Informatics. His research
interest is in linear control systems, fuzzy control, neural networks,
control of electrical drives, modelling, simulation, identification and
sensor networks. He is author of 9 books and more then 100 scientific
papers, published at international conferences and journals. He was manager
of over 30 national an international research projects.
Constantin Volosencu worked from 1981 to 1990 at “Electrotimis” Enterprise
Timisoara, in the field of the control systems for industrial machines,
where he developed control equipments for a large scale of machineries,
which are the objects of 27 patents.