The Organizing Committee can
accept only *.pdf or *.ps or *.doc or *.rtf format. The Organizing Committee
prefer *.pdf though)
1. PDF:
For the
format of the your Paper(s), please, download the file wseas-full.pdf
To read this file, you must have the Acrobat Reader program.
Get the new version of the Acrobat Reader program,
We can also accept papers in Word for Windows (Microsoft). In
this case, you could download the file wseas-full.rtf (you must have in your
computer Word for Windows).
Please, click here and get : wseas-full.rtf
3. If you use
LaTeX, please download the LaTeX
wseas.tex or
wseas.txt. You have to convert it to .ps file and submit your .ps
file to the conference via the web site.
4. If you use another Word Processor,
please, first download the file
wseas-full.pdf, or
wseas-full.rtf read it using Acrobat Reader or Word for
Windows, print out it and then make the necessary modifications in your word
processor program (if needed) in order to agree with this format. If you
are a TeX or LaTeX user, please, don't send TeX or LaTeX files (i.e. TeX or
LaTeX code), but a Postscript file (.ps) or better for us the final PDF file
Please, submit the paper with the correct WSEAS format.
