Plenary Lecture
Models for Virtual Education Systems

Associate Professor Dana Simian
Faculty of Sciences
University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu
Abstract: The e-learning systems have
gained increasing attention in recent years. A complex e-learning system is
composed of several interacting autonomous agents. Our aim is to provide
many models based on ant and wasp bahaviour for different components of a
virtual learning environment where students interact through their computers
and with the software agents in order to achieve a common educational goal.
A Multi-Agent System consisting of autonomous, cognitive and social agents
communicating by messages is used to provide a group decision support system
for the learning environment. Learning objects are distributed in a network
and have different weights in function of their relevance to a specific
educational goal. The relevance of a learning object can change in time; it
is affected by students’, agents’ and teachers’ evaluation. We have used an
ant colony behavior model for the agents that play the role of a tutor and
organizing the group-work activities for the students. Another component of
the learning environment is an adaptive multiagent system for dynamic
routing of the activities of students’ grants. The model we have introduced
allows the assignment of activities in a grant, taking into account the
specialization of students, their experience and the complexity of
activities already taken. An adaptive method allows students to enter in
this system for the first time. The system is changing dynamic, because both
the type of activities and the students involved in the system change. The
agents use wasp task allocation behavior, combined with a model of dominance
hierarchy formation, to determine which activity of a set of grants should
be accepted into a student’s queue, such that the execution time of every
grant be respected and the number of students involved in these grants be
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dana Simian received the diploma. in engineering from the University of
Sibiu, Romania, the diploma. in Mathematics - Informatics from the
University Babes-Bolyai of Cluj-Napoca, Romania and the Ph.D. from Babes-Bolyai
University of Cluj- Napoca, Romania. She graduated many courses in Computer
Science. She is the head of the Department of Computer Science from the
Faculty of Sciences, University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu, Romania. She has a
great experience in algorithms and numerical methods for modelling and
optimization. She published 15 books, more than 60 articles and participated
in the editorial board of 22 scientific publications (proceedings of
international conferences).
She organized 5 special sessions within WSEAS conferences and 2
international workshops on topics related to algorithms and computational
techniques in modeling, approximation and optimization. She was a member of
many scientific committees of international conferences.. She was plenary
speakers in 3 international conferences. She is reviewer of many scientific
publications. She was involved as director of many research grants. She has
been included in “Who is Who in the World” in 2006 and in the “IBC Foremost
Engineers of the World”, 2008.