5th Signals and Systems in Human Motion

Professor Vlasta Zanchi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
and Naval Architecture
University of Split
E-mail: vzanchi@fesb.hr
The biomechanics of motion is a field of
increasing importance and interest to practitioners and researchers from
various areas of expertise. Diverse aspects of this field of study have
gradually come together to produce a broader understanding of human motion
and a greater accessibility of information on this topic. There are several
key areas of study that are important in achieving these ends; kinetics,
largely the domain of engineers, provides the technical approach to
mathematical modeling and simulation of human movements; measurement methods
and instrumentation, through equipment development and hardware and software
support, provides the means to evaluate and quantify human movement and has
received significant practical contributions from experts in sports and
performance; and education, which allows for the continued advancement of
the study of human motion but faces considerable challenges with regards to
the varied backgrounds of those seeking knowledge of the biomechanics of
motion and the multidisciplinary nature of learning and working in this
This special session aims to provide an opportunity for practitioners and
researchers from various disciplines, including engineers, physicians
physiotherapists, and sport activities, to discuss the latest research,
practical needs, and future directions in the field of human motion and
Modern Control Approach to Human Movement and Gesture Recognition
Clinical Biomechanics
Rehabilitation Assessment
Surgical Assessment
Measurement Methods and Instrumentation
Sensor Information Processing
Pressure and Force Measurements
Electromiographic Measurements
Computer Vision for Motion Data Capture
Animation and Human Motion
Finite Element Approach in Bone Stress and Strain
Biomechanics in Sport
Modeling and Identification
Exercise Specification
Validation of Sports Movement and Gesture Activities
Biomechanics Education
Challenge of Diverse Backgrounds of Participants
Challenge of Interdisciplinary Nature of Biomechanics of Motion
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. sc. Vlasta Zanchi is currently professor emeritus in the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Naval Architecture at
the University of Split in Croatia, where she is the head of the Laboratory
for Biomechanics, Automatic Control Systems (LaBACS). V. Zanchi received her
Dipl.Ing. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of
Zagreb in Croatia in 1963, followed by her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia in 1974 and 1977,
respectively. She became professor emeritus in December 2008. She is
currently involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the areas
of Systems Theory, Non-linear Systems, Optimization, Biomechanics,
Identification, and Estimation and Simulation Theory.