You are kindly requested to send the following text to colleagues or to put it up on the announcement board of their laboratory or department The WSEAS International Conference on
APPLIED COMPUTING CONFERENCE will be held in Timisoara, Romania,
October 21-23, 2010 Hosted and Sponsored by “Politehnica” University of Timisoara -
Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering
The conference is organized with the
support of the Romanian Academy, Timisoara Branch
All the WSEAS
conferences are organized by Universities. Responsible of the review of the
papers are the organizing universities.
Sponsored by WSEAS, IASME, IARAS, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, WSEAS
Transactions on Information Science and Applications, WSEAS Transactions on
Communications, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, WSEAS Transactions on
Circuits and Systems, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, WSEAS Transactions
on Advances in Engineering Education, WSEAS Transactions on Environment and
Development, WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, WSEAS
Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, WSEAS Transactions on Fluid
Mechanics, WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer,
In Collaboration with the WSEAS IWG (International Working Group) on
Computers, the WSEAS IWG on Communications, the WSEAS IWG on Applied
Electromagnetics and Electroscience, the WSEAS IWG on Systems and Control,
the WSEAS IWG on Circuits and Systems and the IWG on Electronics, the WSEAS
IWG on Education and Educational Technologies, the WSEAS IWG on E-Commerce,
E-Goverment, E-Health and E-Activities. the WSEAS IWG on Environment,
Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, the WSEAS IWG on Cybernetics, the
WSEAS IWG on Applied Computing and Simulation, the WSEAS IWG on Maritime
Science and Engineering, the WSEAS IWG on Man-Machine Systems, the WSEAS IWG
on Mathematics
The organizing committee calls you to submit your papers, special sessions and tutorials. INDICES: The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by: 1. ISI (ISINET) 2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE) 3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) 4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database 5. ACM 6. ZENTRALBLATT 7. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society) 8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society) 9. Directory of Published Proceedings 10 ULRICH 11. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator 12. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service 13. European Library in Paris (France) 14. DEST Database (Australia) 15. Engineering Information 16. SCOPUS 17. EBSCO 18. EMBASE 19. Compendex (CPX) 20. GEOBASE 21. BIOBASE. 22. BIOTECHNOBASE 23. FLUIDEX 24. OceanBase 25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts 26. World Textiles 27. MEDLINE 28. British Library 29. National Library of Greece 30. German National Library of Science and Technology 31. PAPERS REVIEW 32. IARAS Index
JOURNALS : BEST PAPERS: The authors of the Best Papers will be invited to send extended versions of their papers after the conference to the Editor-in-Chiefs of WSEAS Journals. These extended versions might be published in the WSEAS Journals after the conference with additional review. This very limited number of high-quality papers will be announced in the Post-Conference report of the Conference. No-show authors will be excluded from any further publication in WSEAS Journals, regardless of the quality of their papers. Additionally, they will be required to pay extra shipping and handling fees in order for the organizing committee to mail out their registration receipt, CD-ROM proceedings, and the hard-copy proceedings. These journals are covered by: 1. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE) 2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE) 3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) 4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database 5. ACM 6. ZENTRALBLATT 7. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society) 8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society) 9. Directory of Published Proceedings 10 ULRICH 11. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator 12. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service 13. European Library in Paris (France) 14. DEST Database (Australia) 15. Engineering Information 16. SCOPUS 17. EBSCO 18. EMBASE 19. Compendex (CPX) 20. GEOBASE 21. BIOBASE. 22. BIOTECHNOBASE 23. FLUIDEX 24. OceanBase 25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts 26. World Textiles 27. MEDLINE 28. British Library 29. National Library of Greece 30. German National Library of Science and Technology 31. PAPERS REVIEW 32. IARAS Index
will give out prizes for the winners of the best paper competition. The
evaluation will be based on the recommendation of the Chairmen of each
Session as well as on the recommendation of the Committee of 6 international
experts. See the best papers of the WSEAS recent conferences at: MEMBERS of the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: See:
Algorithms, Automata, Formal Languages
Programming Languages, Software Engineering
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Robotics
Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence. Computational Intelligence
Databases, Information Retrieval and Data Mining
Hardware and Architecture. Wireless Sensor Networks.
Security and Privacy. Cryptology
Human Computer Interaction
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Distributed and Parallel Computing.
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Signal Processing. Image Processing. Multimedia. Video.
Operating, Networked and Storage Systems
Quantum Computing. Molecular Computing
Real Time and Embedded Systems. Computer Design
Scientific Computing. Grid Computing
Semantic Web and Web Services. Internet Computing. Mobile Computing
History of Computer Science. Educational Topics
Multi-disciplinary Computer Science
Circuits, Networks
Electronics, Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics
Power Systems
Automation, Control, Robotics
Instrumentation and Measurement
Systems Theory, Dynamical Systems, Chaos
Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing (Neural, Fuzzy, Evolutionary
Telecommunication Systems
Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Image Processing
Multimedia and Video Systems
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