

Prof. Ali Kallel, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Sfax University, Tunisia

Prof. Abdelhamid Hassairi, Sfax University, Tunisia

Prof. Dr. C. Helmis,  University of Athens, Head of the Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, Greece

Prof. D. Perkins, Harvard University, USA

Prof. Dr. A. Stamou,
School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Prof. Marco Ceccarelli, (IFToMM President elect 2008-2011), University of Cassino, IT

Prof. Dionysios (Dion) D. Dionysiou, University of Cincinnati, USA

Prof. Leon Trilling,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Prof. D. L. Russell, Professor of Mathematics, Virginia Tech,

Prof. Leonid Perlovsky,
Harvard University, USA

Prof. John W. Lund, PE, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, Past President of the Intern. Geothermal Association, Oregon Institute of Technology, USA

Prof. Kent Davey,
IEEE Fellow, Editor IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Austin, TX, USA

Prof. David Landgrebe, Purdue University

Prof. Miguel A. Mariρo,
Distinguished Professor of Hydrology, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Biological & Agricultural Engineering, University of California, CA, USA

Prof. Dr. F.Rigas,  School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greec

Prof. Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University(IPU), JAPAN

Prof. N. Afgan, UNESCO Chair Holder, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. Lena Valavani, IEEE Fellow, MIT, USA

Prof. Steven H. Collicott, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Univ. West Lafayette,USA

Prof. F. Akgun,  Deputy Director (Responsible from Energy Department) TUBITAK-Marmara Research Center, Energy Systems and Environmental Research Inst., Gebze Kocaeli, Turkey

Prof. Omar Badran, 
Al-Balqa` Applied University, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Jordan

Prof. Y. Baudoin,
 Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium

Dr. L. Boch-Andersen,
EXXONMOBIL, Senior Advisor, Government Relations, Europe, Middle East & Africa Public Affairs, Belgium

Prof. M. Versan Kok, ,
Adviser to the President (TUBITAK), Research Group Coordinator (MISAG), FP6 National Contact Point and Programme, Turkey

Dr. G. Kolb,
Group Leader Heterogeneous Catalysis and Process Engineering, Institut fόr Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH, Denmark

Prof. A. Kurbatskiy,
Institute of Theor. and Appl. Mech. Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, and, Novosibirsk State University, Department of Physics, Russia

Prof. S. Linderoth,  Head of Research on Fuel Cells and Materials Chemmistry at Riso National Laboratory. Denmark

Prof. P. Lunghi,
 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universitΰ degli Studi di Perugia, Italy

Dr. C. Machens,
European Program Manager, Stuart Energy Europe
Suedstrasse 80, Geb. 96.7 - D 04668, Grimma, Germany

Prof. A. Midilli,
 Sustainable Energy Systems Lab., Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Prof. Vijayan Iyer Gurumurthy, MNM Jain Engineering College, Virugambakkam, Chennai, India

Prof. Helmut Jaberg, University of Technology Graz, Austria

Prof. Leonid G. Kazovsky, IEEE Fellow, Stanford University, USA

Prof. Leon O. Chua, University of Berkeley, USA

Prof. Ar. Zuhairuse Md Darus, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Prof. Ioana Diaconescu, “Dunarea de Jos” University from Galati, Romania

Prof.  Hj Kamaruzaman Jusoff, University of Yale, USA

Prof. J. Torres Farinha, Coimbra Polytechnic, Portugal

Prof. Bogdan Zygmunt, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Lajos Barna, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Prof. I. Stathopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Prof. J. Van Mierlo, Department of Electrotechnical Engineering and Energy Technology (ETEC) Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Prof. S. Ozdogan, Marmara University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Head of Thermodynamics and Thermal systems, Goztepe Campus, Kuyubasi, Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. M. Reijalt, Italian Hydrogen and Fuel cell Association, Milan, Italy

Dr. J. Rogut,
 Central Minin Institute, Poland

Dr. E. Smole,
Smotech Brennstoffzellen GmbH, Austria

Prof. R. Tamme,  Head Division Thermal Process Technology, Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Prof. Brian A. Barsky, University of Berkeley, USA

Prof. M. Teixeira,
Research Group on Energy and Sustainable Development, Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. R. Vigotti,
Business Development of the International Department of Enel, Vice President of the Italian Section of ISES, International Solar Energy Society, Italy

Prof. G. Wolf,
Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Otto-Hahn-Straίe 1, D - 52428 Jόlich, Germany

Prof. G. Wisniewski,
Director, EC Baltic Renewable Energy Centre EC BREC Renewable Energy Centre of Excellence in Poland

Prof. A. Van Zyl, EUCAR Director, European Council for Automotive Research, Belgium

Prof. Z. A. Vale,
 ISEP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Antonio Bernardino de Almeida

Prof. Stefanos Manias, National technical University of Athens, Greece

Prof. K.R.Rao, Life Fellow, IEEE, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Prof. Dr. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow, IEEE, University of Tenessee, Knoxville, USA 

Prof. Joseph Sifakis, Turing Prize 2007, WSEAS Fellow, CNRS Research Director, Grenoble, France

Prof. Paul E. Dimotakis, California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), USA

Prof. Sidney Burrus, IEEE Fellow, Rice University, USA

Prof. Steven Collicott, Purdue University, USA

Prof. Panos Pardalos, Distinguished Professor Director, Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida, USA

Prof. Olga Martin, University Politehnica of Bucharest, ROMANIA

Prof. Periklis Papadopoulos, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA



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