Special Session

Plenary Lecture

Computational Methods and Applications
to Real Life Problems

Associate Professor Alina Barbulescu
Ovidius University of Constanta
E-mail: abarbulescu@yuniv-ovidius.ro alinadumitriu@yahoo.com


Dynamical systems
Statistical methods in time series analysis
Computational algebra and Number theory
Artificial intelligence
Numerical algorithms
ODE's and PDE's

Brief Biography of the Organizer:

a) Studies
- Craiova University, Faculty of Nature Sciences, Mathematics, bachelor
- Bucharest University, Faculty of Mathematics, master
- P. Andrei University, Iassy, Faculty of Law, bachelor
- “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy, PhD. Mathematics
- Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, PhD. Economics

b) Academic Positions
Assoc. Prof. at Ovidius University of Constanta – 2003 - present

c) Scientific Activities (research, publications, projects, etc….)
Research grants:
1. Grant CNCSIS 902/2007, 2008 – Studies on metallic materials on naval constructions – Modelling the mass loss in different media – director
2. Grant ID_262/2007 – 2010 - Mathematical modelling of the precipitations Dobrogea – director
3. Grant of Romanian Academy no.106/17.08.2007- 2008, The comportment of moving ship on progressive regular waves - member
4. Grant CNCSIS 1075/2005 – 2006, 2006 – 2007, 2007-2008 – Research on the optimization of the technical elements of the irrigation by aspersion – Studies on the water circulation and storage in the soil active layer - member
5. Grant CNCSIS 1071/2005 – Computational algebra and applications in algebra and informatics – member
6. Research contract 2939/10.12.2001, Sub - theme at grant 33/1998, The study and the modelling of the climatic processes that participate at the dimensioning of an irrigation system in the arid lands – member

Research stages: 2004, 2007, 2008- ICTP Trieste, 2005 – Eisenach, 2008 - Graz

Publications: 85 articles (14 ISI) and 17 books.

Member in scientific societies:
- SSMR (2006)
- SPSR (2007)
- IAENG (2007)
- IAHS (2008)
- EGU (2008)

- International Journal of Mathematics and Computation
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statictics

1.ICDSA 2009,Constanta
2. 7-th World Congress in Probability and statistics, Singapore, 2008
3. Conference 2007: Dynamical systems and applications, Izmir, Turkya,2007
4. Conference 2004: Dynamical systems and applications, Antalya, Turkya, 2004
5. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Baia Mare, Romania, 2004

1. An. Sci. Ovidius Univ. of Constanta, Mathematics, 2008-2010
2. International Journal Mathematics and Computatation, 2008-2010
3. International Journal Mathematical Manuscripts, 2008
4. Journal of Applied Polymers Sciences, 2007-2008
5. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2007





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