Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Clean Technology from Waste Management

Professor Ioana Ionel
Director Dep. MMUT, Director Centru Cercetare
Universitatea POLITEHNICA Timisoara
Facultatea de Mecanica
Departament Masini Mecanice, Utilaje si Transporturi
Bv. M. Viteazu 1, 300222, Timisoara, ROMANIA


Abstract: Waste is representing an important environmental pollution source, not only for the soil and ground water, but also for the air. Deposit in open land fields is not allowed according European standards and the EU countries have met national regulations to close the exiting non-ecological deposits and turn them into ecological ones. Also the general management for the waste is to be accordingly re-evaluated and shaped in a novel. Manner. Waste is representing also an energy source, that should be not wasted. The waste (mainly municipal waste) must be properly reused as it represents material and energy content, Combustion , fermentation and recycling are possible solution for turning the waste management into a business, also reducing simultaneously the environmental damages risen by the enormous waste quantities, nowadays. The presentation will focus on clean combustion and co-combustion of waste, and on technologies to turn the energy content of the waste into other cleaner energy sources, such as combustible gas. One will rise attention also about the barriers - technical and mental - to apply correct waste management. And to the consequences of not given by the society the correct input to this matter.
Examples from the author's experience and literature will elucidating the conclusions.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Ioana IONEL is professor at the "POLITEHNICA" University of Timisoara from Romania and guest professor at the Technical University from Munich, Germany. Her scientific development was mainly influenced by two events: PhD degree awarded 1987 and the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, starting 1991. She has as main area of expertise for teaching and research topics concerning Thermodynamics, Clean Combustion, Environmental protection and Renewable Energy applications. 2001 she habilitated based on a thesis and research concerning the quality of air, methods for investigations and clean technologies' applications for power plants. She is leader and director of a specialized research centre and department (, consisting of different ISO 17025 attested labs, mainly the air quality ( monitoring and renewable energy resources are to be mentioned ( She is author of several books in Romanian, German and English, notable are the recent series of literature authored or coordinated concerning renewable energy resources such as biomass, biofuels, biogas, bioenergy in general. Her activity consists both in lecturing at home and abroad, as invited professor, also for summer schools. Numerous research project, on national or European/international level have been coordinated, as well as expertise grants are offered to the private industrial sector. The coordination of PhD students is also notable.



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