Sponsored by WSEAS, IASME, IARAS,
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processsing, WSEAS
Transactions on Control, WSEAS Transactions on
Electronics, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, WSEAS
Transactions on Computer Science, WSEAS Transactions on
Computer Research
In Collaboration with the WSEAS
IWG (International Working Group) on Circuits and
Systems, WSEAS IWG on Electronics, the WSEAS IWG on
Communications, the WSEAS IWG on Electrooptics, the
WSEAS IWG on Applied Electromagnetics and Electroscience
The organizing committee
calls you to submit your papers, special sessions and
The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by:
2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
7. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical
9. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical
Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index
BEST PAPERS: The authors of the Best Papers will be invited to send extended versions of their papers after the conference to the Editor-in-Chiefs of WSEAS Journals. These extended versions might be published in the WSEAS Journals after the conference with additional review. This very limited number of high-quality papers will be announced in the Post-Conference report of the Conference.
No-show authors will be excluded from any further publication in WSEAS Journals, regardless of the quality of their papers. Additionally, they will be required to pay extra shipping and handling fees in order for the organizing committee to mail out their registration receipt, CD-ROM proceedings, and one volume of the hard-copy proceedings.
These journals are
covered by:
1. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
2. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
3. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
4. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
6. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
8. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical
9. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical
Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece: See the link:
31. IARAS Index
Electronics, Hardware Engineering:
Fundamental Theory, Network Theory and Applications,
Nanostructures and nanotechnologies, Molecular
Electronics, Molecular Computing, DNA Computing,
Circuits and Networks inspired from Biology, Metabolic
Networks, Microelectronics, Microcircuits, Analog,
Digital, Mixed-Mode Circuits, Electronics: Components,
Devices, Systems, Silicon Devices: Technology, Modeling,
Reliability, Optoelectronic Devices, Laser and Optical
Systems, Thin Film Technologies, Very Large Scale
Integration Systems (VLSI), Hardware/Software
CodesignVery Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI),
Digital Filters, Highe Level Synthesis, Amplifiers,
Nonlinear Circuits, Sensors, Physical Design,
Time-Frequency and Wavelet Applications, Modelling and
Simulation, CAD Tools, Circuits and Electronics for Data
Conversion and S-D Modulation, Capacitor/Current
Technoques, Prototype Devices and Measurement, Circuits
and Systems for Control and Robotics, Electron Devices
for Power Technology, High Voltages and Electric
Machines, Device Physics, Physical Design, High-Level
Synthesis and Testing, Non-Linear Circuits, Formal
Verification, Semiconductors, Superconductivity
Circuits, Computer-Aided Design, Instrumentation,
Instrument-Computer Interface, Military Electronics,
Electronics for Space exploration, Consumer Electronics,
Circuits in Power Technology, Electron Devices for Video
Technology, Circuits for Antennas Technology, Electron
Devices and Systems for Radar and Sonar Systems, Circuit
Models, Electrical and Electronic Measurement, Circuits
for Industrial Applications, Circuit models for
Electromagnetic Fields, Electronics for Signal
Processing and other Applications, Neural Networks,
Numerical Analysis and Circuits, Logic Synthesis, Fuzzy
Logic and Circuits Design, Circuit Implementation for
Fuzzy Systems, Multidimensional Circuits and Systems,
System architecture, Performance analysis and
prediction, System interconnects, High availability
systems, Multimedia, Algorithms and data structures,
Performance evaluation, Programming languages,
Information theory, Operating systems, Data Bases,
Safety/security in digital systems, Simulation Tools,
Educational Software, Software Maintenance, Software
Engineering, Software Industry, Simulation and Modelling
Tools, E-commerce, Computing Integration through
Wirelles and Mobile Systems, Data communication,
Parallel and distributed computing, Computer Networks,
Microsystems, Microcomputers, Optical Computers, Nano-computers,
Biological Computing, Bio-Informatics, Management of
Computer Resources, Man-Machine Systems, Cybernetics,
Industrial Applications of Computers, Hardware Aspects,
Microprocessors, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Embedded
Systems, Information Technology Interfaces, Intelligent
Agents, Security Problems, Cryptography, Intelligent
communications, Intelligent mobile networks, Intelligent
algorithms, Intelligent agents, Data mining,
Supercomputing, High performance languages, Performance
Evaluation, Routing, Broadband networks, LAN, WAN,
Distributed multimedia, ATM, Interworking, PNNI, I-PNNI,
QS routing, Traffic engineering, UBR, VBR, ABR, CBR
performance, Network optimization, IP/ATM integration:
MPLS, MPOA, IP multicasting and IPv6, TCP over ATM, QoS
and CoS, Architectures for internet and intranets,Java,
Corba, XML,Software metrics, Reusability, Reliability,
Object-oriented methodologies, Data warehousing, Video
systems, Video technologies, VLSI, Microstrip circuits
and components, Sensors and measuring techniques, Remote
sensing, Tele-informatics, Networking, Data Storage,
Education, Circuit Modelling and Scientific Computing
with Applications in Science and Engineering
Wireless and Optical Communications:
Wireless networks: High-data rate wireless
channels, Low Power RF Systems, Microwave, Ka-band and
millimetre-wave bands, Free space optical
communications, Mobile communications, Smart antennas,
Spatial frequency reuse, Stratospheric station systems,
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) systems, Wireless
Broadband access networks: Wired and wireless access, Wireless access to broadband fixed networks, Seamless roaming among different systems, Real-time radio communication systems, Broadband radio on fibre, Software defined radio, High-definition video, Electromagnetic compatibility EMC, Hazards to humans
Optical networks: Multi-terabit/s transmission, All-optical network, Optical transparency, Dark-fibre networks, Wavelength-channel networks, Optoelectronic components, High spectral efficiency DWDM, Optical (including Raman) amplifiers, Expansion of optical transmission bands, Soliton transmission, Optical time domain multiplexing, Wavelength conversion, Dispersion management and compensation, Polarisation Mode Dispersion, New fibre types, New light sources, Fibre gratings, Arrayed waveguide gratings, Photonic Band-Gap structures, All-optical signal regeneration, All-optical signal processing, Photonic switching, Optical memory and data storage, Non-linear waveguide optics
Service aspects: Multimedia and hypermedia services, e-services (e-commerce, e-medicine, e-banking, etc.), Multimedia communications, Dynamic wavelength services, Wireless Internet, Voice over IPWireless quality of service, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Mobile multimedia functions, Mobile-computing
Network technologies and architectures: Optical terabit network, Integrating ring and mesh optical networks, WDM metro networks, Integration of IP, SDH, and WDM, All-IP network, Network scalability, Intelligent transport systems, UMTS, MPLS and MP?S, 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile communications, International Mobile Telecommunications IMT-2000, and beyond, Network modelling tools, Field trials, Standardisation issues
Microwaves, Antennas, Radar Systems: Microwave Theory and techniques, CAD design for Microwave Systems, Antennas and Radars, Lightwave technology, Submillimeter-Wave techniques, Microwave High-Power techniques, Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits, Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Solid State Devices, Microwave Acoustics, Filter and Passive Components, Microwave and Antennas Measurements, Microwave Superconductivity, RFIC's, Wave-guides, Microwave propagation, Ferrites devices. Cavities. Microwave Circuits, Periodic Structures and Filters, Tubes, Masers, Amplifiers, HF-VHF-UHF Engineering, Antennas, Reflectors and Lens Antennas, Arrays, Scattering, Propagation, Diffraction, Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems, Applied Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Field, Numerical Methods for Electromagnetics, Mathematical Methods and Computational techniues for Microwaves, Mathematical Methods and Computational techniues for Antennas and Radars, Radio Engineering applications in Astronomy, Navigation, Aerospace Systems, Low noise techniques, Optical Fiber Systems, Communication Electronics, Signal Processing for Wireless Communication., Military Applications, Military Communications, Control of Radar Systems, Radar Systems Networks, Wireless and Mobile Computing, Communication Systems Integration, Cryptology, Simulation Techniques in Telecommunications, Software for Communications Development and Simulation, Social Implications of Modern Communications, Smart Interfaces, Computer/Communications Integration, Education, Special Topics.