

How to get to Puerto Morelos

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In Puerto Morelos tranquility reigns with open skies, long stretches of beach and a small town atmosphere. This is the place to come and relax: watch the sunrise on the beach, meet the locals, explore the natural wonders such as the coral reef 500 meters from shore, work on your tan, or simply soak up the serenity. Wedged between the bustling cities of Cancun and Playa del Carmen, it has maintained its peaceful atmosphere of a charming Mexican fishing village living up to its nickname "La Joya del Caribe" (Jewel of the Caribbean). The community, a mix of locals and foreigners, works hard to protect Puerto's status as a National Marine Park and keep development to a minimum. Its close proximity to the airports and bus terminals makes Puerto Morelos a perfect base for exploring the Yucatan peninsula.

The National Maritime Park, part of the Grand Mayan Reef the world's second largest barrier reef, is only 800 meters from shore . You can go swimming comfortably and the area is ideal for diving, snorkeling, windsurfing and other water activities.
Near the entrance to the town is the only Botanic Garden in the region and a Zoo. The town is edged by mangrove swamps to the west with beautiful local fauna . To the East are wide white sand beaches and the Caribbean Sea.

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How to get to Puerto Morelos

By plane
The nearest major airport is in Cancun International Airport. It is 20km away from Puerto Morelos and is Mexico's second busiest airport.

By car
Puerto Morelos is situated at the junction of Route 307 and an unpaved road into the interior. This unpaved road is the eastern terminus of La Ruta de los Cenotes, a network of minor roads that allows access to many cenotes in the interior. At Puerto Morelos, the beginning of this road network is marked by an archway. The waterfront is about 2km from Highway 307. Puerto Morelos is about 30km south of Cancun, 30km north of Playa del Carmen, and one hour north of Tulum.

By bus
Buses from Cancun and Playa del Carmen traverse Route 307, the coastal highway and the main highway into town:
From Cancun airport take the Riviera/ADO bus to Playa del Carmen, hourly from 10:30. The bus departs from Terminal 2, east end (terminal faces north). Buy a ticket for Puerto Morelos just inside terminal or on bus. Ask the driver to stop at Puerto Morelos. Cost: 50 pesos as of 12/09
From downtown Cancun (el centro) take the Riviera/ADO bus for Playa del Carmen from the bus terminal on Av. Tulum. Departs every 15 minutes. Buy your ticket at the station.
From Playa del Carmen, take any ADO bus for Cancun from either bus station in Playa. Buy your ticket to Puerto Morelos at the station.
Cancun and Playa del Carmen buses arrive and depart from the highway, about 2km from town. Each side of the highway has its own small station and ticket office.
Frequent local buses travel between the highway/la colonia and the beach/el puerto for 4 pesos per person. Or take a taxi into town 22 - 25 pesos. If you decide to walk instead, ensure adequate insect repellent, as the road leads through a mosquito-infested mangrove swamp - and watch out for inquisitive crocodiles about half way, particularly on the northern side.

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