

How to get to Montreux

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Attractions in Montreux

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(Responsible Person for the Reservations: Teuta Berisha)
Rue Du Theatre 11, CH - 1820 Montreux, Switzerland
Ph.: (+41) 21 966 08 06, Fax: (+41) 21 966 09 00
E-mail: reservation@edenpalace.ch

Geneva Train: www.cff.ch

Montreux - Pearl of the Swiss Riviera - is nestled between majestic mountains and lovely Lake Geneva, in a setting of great natural beauty. Thanks to its privileged position, the lakeside resort has a mild, congenial climate and lush vegetation. Surrounding summits can be reached by mountain railway, other destinations by stately steamship or by road. The many attractive excursion destinations include Chillon Castle, Gruyeres, Lausanne, Berne, Gstaad, Zermatt and the Matterhorn. The Montreux region is renowned for its festivals and open-air summer concerts, as well as its flower-decorated quayside, sun terraces, casino, discos, bars, bistros and boutiques. Cosy restaurants serve fresh fish from the lake accompanied by the famous local wine.

The long, flower-bordered lake promenade which links Vevey and Montreux going all the way to Chillon Castle is simply asking to be strolled along. Cultural events, such as the Montreux Jazz Festival, as well as countless excursion options to the mountainous hinterland or on the lake make Montreux a popular excursion and holiday destination. Many of the houses along the lakeside road, including the magnificent Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, date from the heyday of the Belle Epoque.


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