Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Using Critical Social Theories to Examine Digital Equity for Professional Development

Professor Lung-Hsing Kuo
Research Center for Teacher Career Professional Development
National Kaohsiung Normal University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Republic of China

Abstract: In this presentation, Dr. Kuo explores technology equity and digital divides as experienced by professional groups in this rich technology working world. He employs and encourages the use critical social theories to examine power relationships and address issues of oppression and domination. Typically, such theories illuminate instances of racism, classism, sexism, and /or other forms of discriminatory practices, behaviors and policies aimed at professional social identity groups that have been historically over-served or under-served. Dr. Kuo specifically engages critical theory and critical race theory while also underscoring the importance of historical, political, sociological and economic factors that contribute to technological and digital inequities.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Director Lung-Hsing Kuo is the Director of the Research Center for Teacher Career Professional Development in National Kaohsiung Normal University. He received his Master in Education (1990~1993) and Ph. D. in Education (1993~1997) from National Kaohsiung Normal University.
He specialized in Educational database, Education issues, Information and Society, Humanities and Technologies. And, he is also the COO of Nationwide Teacher In-service Education Information Web, Taiwan, R.O.C. ' ' , Editor of Yearbook of Teacher Education Statistics Republic of China (2005-2010) and Editor of Yearbook of In-service Teacher Education Statistics Republic of China (2008-2010). He is author of about 70 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings, and invited book chapters.

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