

How to get to Penang

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Malaysia's 'Pearl of the Orient' carries a natural beauty and cultural splendour like no other place. Its name comes from the Malay translation of betel nut - 'Pinang'. Every year, thousands of visitors come here to experience the unique cultural heritage and scenery. It is also a very cosmopolitan city, perhaps the second busiest in the country after Kuala Lumpur. Minutes away from the busy city center lies another attraction of Penang, her natural beauty. This turtle shaped island offers miles of idyllic beaches with swaying palm trees, and soothing hill for those who seek refuge from the tropical heat.

Take a stroll down the heritage trail to visit the Muslim mosque, Chinese temple, Indian temple and Christian church. One will be surprised that these buildings are just 5 minutes walk from each other. The closeness of the people from different ethnic group is best reflected by their respect for each other’s culture, festival and tradition. Besides its beauty and history, one should never miss the delicious hawker foods that are offered around the clock during their stay. Penang offers you great food from prestigious restaurants to hawkers’ carts by the road side.

The State of Penang or Negeri Pulau Pinang in Malay is made up of Penang Island and Province Wellesley which is on the peninsula. In the year 1985, one of South East Asia’s longest bridge was build across the channel to connect the island with the peninsula. The bridge has great impact on the citizens and the development of the island. The bridge eases the transportation of raw materials and finished products to and from the factories located in the industrial free trade zone of Penang. The development of Penang has also turned Penang into a shopping paradise. You will be able to find things like handicraft, jewellery, clothes and many more at attractive prices.


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