8th WSEAS International Conference on
Bucharest, Romania, October 16-18, 2006
The 8th WSEAS International Conference on MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING sponsored by WSEAS and WSEAS Transactions, co-sponsored and co-organized by University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
Monday, October 16, 2006
SPECIAL SESSION: Advanced Measurement Methods
Organized by Prof. Horia Andrei, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania and Prof. Costin Cepisca, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania.
Chair: Horia Andrei, Costin Cepisca
Contributions Concerning the Measurements using LabVIEW in Steady State Nonsinusoidal Regime |
Horia Andrei, Costin Cepisca, Fanica Spinei, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, Nicolae Jula, Valentin Dogaru |
Modern automatic system for the optimization of the electrical drives for working machines with mechanical branches |
Mihail-Florin Stan, Marcel Ionel, Octavian Marcel Ionel |
Microcontroller based measurements : how to take out the best we can of them |
Viorel-Constantin Petre |
Current Transformers and the Accuracy of Electrical Powers and Energies Measurements |
Costin Cepisca , Horia Andrei, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, Mircea Covrig, Nicolae Jula |
SPECIAL SESSION: Numerical Methods and Advanced Computational Techniques for Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
Organized by Asc. Prof. dr. Dana Simian, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Chair: Dana Simian
On Linear and Positive Operators |
Daniel Florin Sofonea |
An Automatic Code Generation Tool for JADE Agents |
Florin Stoica |
On the similar order of convergence of two adjacent sequences related to zeta(1/2) |
Andrei Vernescu |
A complete sequential learning algorithm for rbf neural networks with applications |
Nicolae Popoviciu , Mioara Boncut |
A Nonlinear Reinforcement Scheme for Stochastic Learning Automata |
Florin Stoica, Emil M. Popa |
Regular expressions of conditions for processing language modelling |
Popa Emil Marin |
Compilation of Inheritance for Object-Oriented Structures |
Cristina Elena Aron |
Algebraic implementation of ctl model checker |
Cacovean Florentina Laura, Popa Emil Marin, Brumar Ioana Cristina, Brumar Bogdan Alexandru |
Model specifications of transition systems |
Brumar Bogdan Alexandru, Popa Emil Marin, Brumar Ioana Cristina, Cacovean Laura Florentina |
Algebraic model of programming languages |
Brumar Ioana Cristina, Popa Emil Marin, Cacovean Florentina Laura, Brumar Bogdan Alexandru |
A Formal Model for Clustering Based Aspect Mining |
Grigoreta Sofia Moldovan, Gabriela Serban |
A logical framework for web data mining based on heterogeneous algebraically structure hierarchies |
Ioan Pop, Emil Marin Popa |
Intelligent system modeling with total fuzzy grammars |
Ralf Fabian, Vasile Craciunean, Emil Marin Popa |
A Near-lossless image compression algorithm using vector quantization |
Emil Marin Popa, Alina Pitic, Antoniu Pitic |
Translation for intermediate code |
Ioan-Daniel Hunyadi, Emil M. Popa, Ralf Fabian, Ionela Mocan |
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
SPECIAL SESSION: Numerical Methods and Advanced Computational Techniques for Modeling, Simulation and Optimization II
Organized by
Asc. Prof. dr. Dana Simian, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
Package architecture optimization in software application design |
Vasile Craciunean, Ralf Fabian, Emil Marin Popa |
Electro-Thermal Numerical Model for Optimization of High Currents Dismountable Contacts |
Ioan Popa, Ioan Cautil, Dan Floricau |
Bootstrapping finite automats and grammars in modelling an economic process |
Iosif Mircea Neamtu, Ioan Pop |
On a bivariate interpolation formula |
Dana Simian |
Socio-cultural modelling of the student as the main actor of a virtual learning environment |
Ioana Moisil, Iulian Pah, Boldur Barbat, Emil M. Popa |
Formal modeling by a bi-parallel grammar |
Adalbert Golomety, Emil M. Popa |
Context Free Languages – An Application to Recursive Programs Analysis |
Cristina Elena Aron, Emil Marin Popa, Mircea Adrian Musan |
A New Genetic Clustering Based Approach in Aspect Mining |
Gabriela Serban, Grigoreta S. Moldovan |
Program Optimization Using Abstract State Machines |
Gabriel Sofonea, Marian-Pompiliu Cristescu |
Applications of the Dirac Sequences in Electrodynamics |
Wilhelm W. Kecs, Antonela Toma, Maria Dobritoiu |
Calculus Rules regarding the Dimensional Equations of some Electrodynamics Quantities represented in Distributions Space |
Antonela Toma, Maria Dobritoiu, Wilhelm W. Kecs |
The Differentiability of the Solution of a Nonlinear Integral Equation |
Maria Dobritoiu, Wilhelm W. Kecs, Antonela Toma |
Stochastic grammars for intelligent software systems modeling |
Vasile Craciunean |
Optimization of web mining applications through pmml |
Ioan Pop, Iosif Mircea Neamtu |
SESSION: Electric Power and Applications
Chair: Costin Cepisca, Valentin Dogaru Ulieru
A Laplace-Clarke Distributed HF Model of Asynchronous Machines |
F. Della Torre,S. Leva,A.P. Morando |
Dynamic Analysis of Electromechanical Converters by means of the Wavelet Transform |
Francesco della Torre, George Cristian Lazaroiu, Sonia Leva, Adiano Paolo Morando |
The Performances of Different Rotor Flux Observers |
Gabriela Craciunas |
On Existence of the Principles of Minimum Dissipated Power for Linear and Nonlinear Electric Circuits |
Horia Andrei, Fanica Spinei, Costin Cepisca, Gianfranco Chicco, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, Nicolae Jula |
A New Algorithm of Optimizing Maintenance Cycle by Using RCM Methodology |
Jan Gala |
Electric Measurements with LabVIEW |
Valentin Dogaru Ulieru |
Comparative Study of ANN for Pattern Classification |
Geetika Munjal, Sunint Kaur |
SESSION: Computational techniques and numerical methods
Chair: Rafig Rasulov, Andrei Vernescu
Numerical Method for a Non-Homogeneous Equation of Stationary Waves |
Nikos Mastorakis, Olga Martin |
A new algorithm for the numerical solution of Maxwell's Equations in a class of generalized functions |
Turhan Karaguler, Mahir Rasulov |
Numerical solution of one dimensional nonlinear longitudinal oscillations in a class of generalized functions |
Rafig Rasulov, Riza Haluk Kul |
Numerical solution and simulation of traffic flow problem in a class of discontinuous functions |
Mahir Rasulov, Bahaddin Sinsoysal |
Investigating the Shock Wave of Traffic Flow On the Highway in A Class of Discontinuous Functions |
Gokhan Silahtaroglu,Mahir Rasulov |
A Computational Model of Magnetic Fluid Flow using Maxwell’s Equations, Heat Equations and Navier-Stokes Equations |
Meechai Lohakan |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
SESSION: Simulation and modelling
Chair: Calin Ciufudean, Heydar Toossian Shandiz
A dsp-based lane departure warning system |
Bing-fei Wu, Chao-jung Chen, Yi-pin Hsu, Ming-wei Chung |
Immune Mechanisms Modeled with Discrete Event Systems |
Calin Ciufudean, Bianca Satco, Costica Nitu |
VMer – Visualized Mobile Designer for Applications on Small Devices |
Chia-Feng Lin, Tzu-Han Kao, Shyan-Ming Yuan |
Exploring Texture-Based Parameters for Noninvasive Detection of Diffuse Liver Diseases and Liver Cancer from Ultrasound Images |
Delia Mitrea, Sergiu Nedevschi, Calin Cenan, Monica Lupsor, Radu Badea |
Elimination of Microphone - Speaker Positive Feedback Phenomenon in Audio Amplifiers |
Heydar Toossian Shandiz, Seyed Ali Hasani, Seyed Hamze Hasani |
Speaker verification with combined time and spectral domain methods |
Petre G. Pop, Eugen Lupu |
Spatial Linear Predictive Coding and its Error Matching for Signal Classification |
Tuan D. Pham |
SESSION: Intelligent systems and mathematical methods
Chair: Dan Mihai, Maitree Podisuk
Additional Mathematical Pre-processing for the Fuzzy Control of a Servodrive |
Dan Mihai |
Using a Hidden Mathematical Model Generated by Input-Output Data. The Reliability of a Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for a Servodrive. |
Dan Mihai |
Study on Chip Components Assembly Quality Fuzzy Fault Diagnosis System Based on Solder Joint Shape Theory |
Li Chunquan |
Application of fuzzy c-means clustering to power system coherency identification |
Shu-Chen Wang, Pei-Hwa Huang, Chi-Jui Wu |
New and Old Sequences of Orthogonal Polynomials |
Maitree Podisuk and Pornchai Chaisanit |
Gauss-Legendre Quadrature Formula in Runge-Kutta Method with Modified Model of Newton Cooling Law |
Maitree Podisuk Sirirat Khuntidilokwongsa and Witchaya Rattanametawee |
Sequences of Orthogonal Polynomials with Step Functions as Their Weight Functions |
Maitree Podisuk, Pongpan Rattanathanawan and Pimpak Phataranavik |