Proceedings of the WSEAS Conference:   
 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS (ICCOMP '07)


All Papers

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 Copyright © 2007 WSEAS



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The accepted papers are published

  1. In the CD-ROM Proceedings
  2. In the Hard Copy Proceedings
  3. In the WSEAS E-Library

JOURNAL PUBLICATION: The authors of the Best Papers will be invited to send extended versions of their papers after the conference to the Editor-in-Chiefs of WSEAS Journals. These extended versions might be published in the WSEAS Journals after the conference with additional review. This very limited number of high-quality papers will be announced in the Post-Conference report of the Conference.

No-show authors will be excluded from any further publication in WSEAS Journals, regardless of the quality of their papers. Additionally, they will be required to pay extra shipping and handling fees in order for the organizing committee to mail out their registration receipt, CD-ROM proceedings, and one volume of the hard-copy proceedings.

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ISSN: 1790-5117
ISBN: 978-960-8457-95-9                                        Copyright © 2007,   by  WSEAS                                                            Reload CD