WSEAS Transactions on
Advances in Engineering Education

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | Pre-2008

Print ISSN: 1790-1979
E-ISSN: 2224-3410

Volume 11, 2014

Notice: As of 2014 and for the forthcoming years, the publication frequency/periodicity of WSEAS Journals is adapted to the 'continuously updated' model. What this means is that instead of being separated into issues, new papers will be added on a continuous basis, allowing a more regular flow and shorter publication times. The papers will appear in reverse order, therefore the most recent one will be on top.

Volume 11, 2014

Title of the Paper: A Prevalence Trend of Characteristics of Intelligent and Adaptive Hypermedia E-Learning Systems

Authors: Maja Gligora Marković, Alen Jakupović, Božidar Kovačić

Abstract: The main aim of this research is to determine a prevalence trend of characteristics of intelligent and adaptive hypermedia e-learning systems (IAHe-LS). IAHe-LS characteristics were determined by examining published scientific papers indexed in relevant databases. We analysed 1170 papers and identified 61 systems. The description of system architecture was used as the selection criterion, which yielded 21 characteristics used to describe the systems, namely: learning style, cognitive style, adaptivity inference mechanism, granularity of learning content, pedagogical model, domain knowledge model, learner activity tracking, knowledge testing, testing previously acquired knowledge, experimental use, form of presented content, adaptivity criteria, standardisation, system interface model, teacher model, description model, and interactive tools. A prevalence of characteristics was clustered by the didactic pyramid. The learner’s characteristic of the highest prevalence is learning style and of the lowest is cognitive style. All analysed characteristics related to educational technology have increased prevalence from 2008 onwards. The teacher’s characteristic of the highest prevalence is knowledge testing, whereas the one with the lowest is teacher model. The most difficult part was to investigate the prevalence of characteristics associated with the content as in the analysed articles that part is explained poorly. However, we noticed that from 2008 onwards both identified characteristics have increase in prevalence. A Poisson regression analysis was carried out in order to determine the connection between the occurrence of characteristics of IAHe-LS and the year they occured. Although the number of occurrences for some characteristics was too little in order to conduct an analysis, it has shown that the model obtained by Poisson regression is suitable for all other characteristics.

Keywords: Adaptive hypermedia e-learning systems, Intelligent e-learning systems, Learner’s characteristics, Teacher’s characteristics, Content’s characteristics, Educational technology characteristics, Prevalence

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #9, pp. 80-101

Title of the Paper: Exploring the Technological Factors Affecting Creativity in Computational Thinking-centered Learning Context

Authors: Soon-Hwa Kim, Ki-Sang Song, Se Young Park

Abstract: The attempt of applying technology in education has started with ICT education and spread into e-learning, u-learning, m-learning and SMART learning in Korea. Computational Thinking is crucially needed as the center of educational environmental change. Although educational circumstances are expected to change dramatically in the near future, the theoretical consideration on the effect of applying educational technology towards creativity is rare. Therefore, we have explored some technological factors affecting creativity in the context of computational thinking-centered learning which is referred to as SMART learning. 67 subjects participated in the survey exploring the technological factors of SMART learning. Throughout the study, 4 technological factors such as technological self-efficacy, cooperativity, resource free and interactivity were revealed as main factors affecting student’s creativity.

Keywords: Technological factor, Computational thinking, SMART learning, Creativity.

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #8, pp. 73-79

Title of the Paper: A Implementation Framework for Tutorial Based Learning (TBL)

Authors: Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, Syed M. Zafi S. Shah, Syed M. Z. Abbas Shah

Abstract: The use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) has proved to be a successful method in improving student knowledge retention and understanding. However, the implementation of PBL puts stress on resources in terms of teaching staff and lab usage which is a hindrance for the participating students. In this paper we present a framework for implementing a Tutorial Based Learning model which can be used in institutions where the number of students is large (>100) and resources are limited which is very much the case in developing countries. Results of an experiment conducted under the proposed model have also been discussed. The experiment involved four modules taught at the undergraduate course in Electronics Engineering at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan. A total of 120 students were divided in to four sections each consisting of 30 students. Each section was further divided in to groups of 6 students each. Two hour Tutorial Based Learning (TBL) sessions were conducted for each section on different courses each week in which a particular problem/topic was discussed. The students were asked to present the deliverables of the problem on the completion of the program. At the end of the experiment which ran for one semester, results showed a marked improvement in the student grades for the courses involved in the experiment and increased student participation in classes.

Keywords: Electronic Engineering, Problem Based Learning, Tutorial Based Learning

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #7, pp. 66-72

Title of the Paper: Pedagogical Study of an Electric Bike with Low Energy Consumption, Management and Dimensioning of Onboard Energy : Eco Marathon

Authors: Arnaud Sivert, Franck Betin, Thierry Lequeu

Abstract: The electric bike is a very good educational system because it can be used by all students without problem of safety. When pedaling on the electric bike, the student can identify with the motor drive and understand the meaning of torque, speed and power. This educational system uses many modules of Electrical Engineering: power converter, battery, motor, controller, electronics, lights, instrumentation, sensors, mathematical modeling, mechanics... Thus, many technologies can be presented. These vehicles have a difficult compromise between weight, power, battery life, and price. These vehicles could be implemented using new composite materials and new Lithium batteries. But to increase the lifespan of the batteries, which represent 35 % of the electric vehicle price, we will demonstrate the benefits of a control with constant power through the motor, compared to a control with a constant force. This paper will outline the resistive power, as a function of vehicle speed and the state of energy consumption. A comparison of energy prices between different kinds of electric vehicle will be presented. The advantages and disadvantages of using super capacitors will be presented, as well as energy management on board the motor speed controller. Then, an overview of the regulation of a fast charger with current control and voltage control will be presented. Finally, many educational applications will be presented around the electric vehicle realized.

Keywords: Pedagogical Study of an Electric Bike with Low Energy Consumption, Management and Dimensioning of Onboard Energy : Eco Marathon

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #6, pp.54-65

Title of the Paper: Students English Language Proficiency and its Impact on the Overall Student’s Academic Performance: An Analysis and Prediction using Neural Network Model

Authors: P. M. Arsad, N. Buniyamin, J. Ab. Manan

Abstract: English has become one of the most effective global medium of communication today. The significance of English is highly emphasized in many countries as it is now the medium of communication in international business and technology based trading industries. This paper present the results of an investigation that compares the performance in English courses of male and female students of a bachelor level engineering programme at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. In addition, the research then investigates the impact of a student’s English ability and capability on the overall engineering academic performance using Neural Network (NN) prediction model. The study was conducted on batches of students from two entries namely Matriculation and Diploma level intakes. Students performance was measured based on their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) upon graduation. We focus on the type of parameters used as input variables for the model using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as the analysis and prediction tool. The outcomes of the study indicated that there appears to be a direct correlation between students’ results for fundamental subjects and the final overall academic performance of graduating students. We also observed that English Language courses have no direct or little effects on the overall academic performance.

Keywords: Students English Language Proficiency and its Impact on the Overall Student’s Academic Performance: An Analysis and Prediction using Neural Network Model

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #5, pp.44-53

Title of the Paper: Exploration of Virtual Reality Modelling Language World and its Didactical Applications

Authors: Ph. Dondon, M. Marthiens Dagorette, J. M. Micouleau, A. Bulucea

Abstract: This paper presents an overview of Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) abilities for didactical purpose. To address meaningfully the challenges of the VRML utilization, some trans-disciplinary aspects are highlighted in this study. One could note that VRML should be seen as a crossroad among different scientific and non scientific fields such as electronic, automatics, mechanics, mathematics and physics, architecture, and graphic arts. It can be used successfully in deep study, whatever the scientific level and origin of the students: secondary school pupils, undergraduate, postgraduate students or engineer school students. After a short presentation, this paper focuses on various application of VRML from psychological, artistic as well as technical point of views. An original comparison with CAD electronic software tools is done in order to help the understanding of VRML world, pros and cons are explained. Further, we give some technical details and concrete hand made examples which can be used as course material, and finally we emphasize the conclusion on our findings.

Keywords: Exploration of Virtual Reality Modelling Language World and its Didactical Applications

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #4, pp.32-43

Title of the Paper: Designing an ANOVA Experiment to Estimate the Impact of E-Learning System Upon Students’ Performances within the University of Petrosani

Authors: Codruţa Cornelia Dura, Sorin Mihăilescu

Abstract: The process of shaping the information society is characterized by the massive, broad-based and integrated use of new information technologies and telecommunications in all levels of economic and social life, from material production to services, administration, spreading to education and other cultural and artistic activities. In higher education, the technological progresses open new perspectives for improving teaching - learning – evaluation activities. At the base of new educational methods specific to the information society one can find the approach of assimilation and implementation of e-Learning. The University of Petrosani is one of higher education institutions in Romania which included in its development strategy the assimilation and implementation of a platform for e-Learning, based on raising European funds through a POSDRU strategic project. Following this initiative, the paper employs a bi-factorial ANOVA-type experiment for the identification and the generalization of those teaching technologies which have a significant impact on improving the learning performances of the students. Thus, we have analyzed statistical data regarding the grades obtained by a sample of 6 groups of students (3 from the engineering field and 3 from the economic sciences field) and we have found that e-Learning technologies leads to a higher level of teaching quality within the University.

Keywords: Designing an ANOVA Experiment to Estimate the Impact of E-Learning System Upon Students’ Performances within the University of Petrosani

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #3, pp.21-31

Title of the Paper: An Innovative Solar Production Simulator to Better Teach the Foundations of Photovoltaic Energy to Students

Authors: Sebastien Jacques, Zheng Ren, Sebastien Bissey, Ambroise Schellmanns, Nathalie Batut, Thierry Jacques, Eric Pluvinet

Abstract: This paper deals with a new approach to science and education regarding photovoltaic energy and applications. This teaching method is based on a Solar Production Simulator (SPS). This apparatus is able to reproduce the sun’s path on a small scale at all times of the year. The energy production is then estimated with different orientation and/or inclination of a solar sensor. The SPS provides students with the unique opportunity to learn, in a playful manner, the fundamental principles of photovoltaic energy. Several examples of practical work are detailed to give an accurate appreciation of many applications in the photovoltaic sector. A lot of applications could be studied such as implementation of solar position calculations, electrical characterization of solar cells with various technologies or tracking system programming.

Keywords: An Innovative Solar Production Simulator to Better Teach the Foundations of Photovoltaic Energy to Students

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #2, pp.11-20

Title of the Paper: Evolving Paper-Based Activities Approach (EPAA) to Promote Interest in Software Engineering Education

Authors: Shahida Sulaiman, Sarina Sulaiman, Sharifah Mashita Syed-Mohamad, Wahidah Husain

Abstract: Software engineering education is vital as an introductory course in computer science or information technology undergraduate programmes. However, it seems to be dull to some educators to teach the concepts as compared to teach courses like programming and database. This phenomenon causes educators to have lack of interest in teaching and in turn affect the interest of learners to grasp the concepts better and relate it with other courses in computer science or information technology. This paper proposes an evolving paper-based activities approach (EPAA) to promote interest in software engineering education among both educators and learners. The approach aims to make software engineering education to be more interesting, engaging and integrated so that learners can appreciate why they learn software engineering course in computer science or information technology programmes. Two groups of students who took the related courses gave the positive feedbacks that the approach increased their interest in learning software engineering mainly in understanding the concept in object-oriented analysis and design using Unified Modeling Language.

Keywords: Evolving Paper-Based Activities Approach (EPAA) to Promote Interest in Software Engineering Education

WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-1979 / 2224-3410, Volume 11, 2014, Art. #1, pp.1-10