Proceedings of the
4th WSEAS International Conference on

-ICOPES `05-


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 25-27, 2005




MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2005


Keynote Lecture:


Vision Simulated Imaging


Professor Brian A. Barsky
Computer Science Division and School of Optometry
University of California
Berkeley, California, USA



Vision-simulated imaging (VSI) is the computer generation of synthetic images to simulate a subject's vision, by incorporating the characteristics of a particular individual's entire optical system.  Using measured aberration data from a Shack-Hartmann wavefront aberrometry device, VSI modifies input images to simulate the appearance of the scene for the individual patient. Each input image can be a photograph, synthetic image created by computer, frame from a video, or standard Snellen acuity eye chart -- as long as there is accompanying depth  information. An eye chart is very revealing, since it shows what the patient would see during an eye examination, and provides an accurate picture of his or her vision.  Using wavefront aberration measurements, we determine a discrete blur function by sampling at a set of focusing distances, specified as a set of depth planes that discretize the three-dimensional space.

For each depth plane, we construct an object-space blur filter.  VSI methodology comprises several steps:  (1) creation of a set of depth images, (2) computation of blur filters, (3) stratification of the image, (4) blurring of each depth image, and (5) composition of the blurred depth images to form a single vision-simulated image.
VSI provides images and videos of simulated vision to enable a patient's eye doctor to see the specific visual anomalies of the patient. In addition to blur, VSI could reveal to the doctor the multiple images or distortions present in the patient's vision that would not otherwise be apparent from standard visual acuity measurements. VSI could educate medical students as well as patients about the particular visual effects of certain vision disorders (such as keratoconus and monocular diplopia) by enabling them to view images and videos that are generated using the optics of various eye conditions. By measuring PRK/LASIK patients pre- and post-op, VSI could provide doctors with extensive, objective, information about a patient's vision before and after surgery.  Potential candiates contemplating surgery could see simulations of their predicted vision and of various possible visual anomalies that could arise from the surgery, such as glare at night. The current protocol, where patients sign a consent form that can be difficult for a layperson to understand fully, could be supplemented by the viewing of a computer-generated video of simulated vision showing the possible visual problems that could be engendered by the surgery.


Plenary Lecture:


Neuroprocessing in Silicon


Professor James F. Frenzel

Electrical & Computer Engineering

POB 441023

University of Idaho

Moscow, ID 83844-1023 USA


Despite phenomenal advancements in semiconductor technology over the last five decades, today’s computers still struggle with certain tasks that are easily performed by a young child. One of the first electronic implementations of a pulsed neuron was introduced in 1937 and since then research efforts have covered a wide spectrum, ranging from single-transistor models to powerful parallel processors comprised of digital signal processors. This talk will highlight some of the recent developments in the field of hardware-based neurocomputing and then present work from the University of Idaho. For the last three years, an interdisciplinary team from engineering and computer science has been working toward the development of CMOS circuits capable of mimicking the biological and signal mechanisms observed in the human nervous system. This work, funded by the National Science Foundation, is part of a larger effort within the Neuroscience program at the University of Idaho (



Session: Modelling and Stability Analysis of Power Systems


Chair: Prof. Jose Carlos Quadrado, Prof. Luige Vladareanu


New Technique for Weak Area Clustering in Power System Network

By I. Musirin, T. K. Abdul Rahman [494-237]


Study Of Power System Stability Using Thyristor Controlled – Interphase Power Controller

By M. Mohammadi, G. B. Gharehpetian [494-182]


Modelling of hybrid filter for harmonic compensation in power systems

By RameshRamadoss, Ramachandran, Chandrasekar, Nithiyananthan, Maglin [494-148]


Elman recurrent neural network in thermal modeling of power transformers

By Michel Hell [494-293]


Robust controller for damping power system oscillations

By Lakshmanaperumal [494-119]






Keynote Lecture:



Space-Time Evolution of Instabilities in Plasma and Continua


Professor Abraham Bers

M.I.T. Room 38-260




This lecture entails the general theory and analysis for distinguishing between absolute and convective evolutions of instabilities in the electrodynamics of waves in plasmas and waves in continua in general.




Special Session: Modelling of Electrical Drives


Chair: Prof. Jiri Klima


Two phase emergency feeding of induction motors by injected currents-discussion

By Ludek Schreier, Jiri Bendl, Jiri Klima [494-141]


Two phase emergency feeding of induction motors by injected currents-analysis

By Ludek Schreier, Jiri Klima [494-138]

Analytical model of an induction motor fed from three-phase CSI

By Jiri Klima,Ludek Schreier  [494-286]


The Simulation of Electromechanical Drive with DC Motor

By Gunnar Kunzel, Vladislav Bezouska [494-145]






Plenary Lecture:


Dr. Ahmad Bahai

National Semiconductor Fellow

Chief Technology Officer and Director of 3G Group




Session: Power Electronics and Applications


Chair: Prof. Miguel Velez-Reyes, Prof. Petr Ekel



Comparison of Various De-Noising Algorithms pertaining to Power Quality Signals using Phaselet Transform

By Sudhakar M.S, Subramaniam N.P, Bhoopathy Bagan K. [494-305]


Influence of the aging parameters in the Power Systems polymer insulators dielectric properties

By L.A.J.Tavares, M.E.G.Valerio, Z.S.Macedo [494-291]


Performance analysis of hybrid broadband access technologies using PLC and Wi-Fi

By Oscar Andres Gonzalez, Juraj Urminsky, Miguel Calvo, Leandro de Haro [494-273]


Effects of voltage unbalance on efficiency and power factor of induction motors: a statistical approach

By Enrique Quispe, Percy Viego, Juan Cogollos [494-225]


An electric arc furnace model for flicker estimation

By Joćo Sousa [494-294]


Harmonic Analysis of a Parallel Loaded Resonant Converter

By G. Sharmila, Prabhakar Mahalingam [494-282]


Characteristics of the deregulation process with respect to the Croatian electric power market

By Eraldo Banovac, Igor Kuzle, Sejid Tesnjak [494-160]


A Single - Phase Single - Switch High Power Factor AC/DC Converter

By Uma V., Sivakumar N. [494-253]


Fuzzy-Wavelet for Detection of Eccentricity in Induction Motors

By Farshid Malekhosseini [494-117]



Session: Optimization and Load Forecasting in Power Systems


Chair: Prof. Marcelo Lopez, Prof. Jorge Ferreira



Monocriteria and multicriteria optimization of network configuration in distribution systems

By Petr Ekel [494-298]


A Fine Short term load forecasting using neural networks and fuzzy neural networks

By Gaddam Mallesham [494-230]


Optimal Allocation and Number of Automatic Switches in Distribution Networks

By Hossein Najafi, Shahram Javadi, Amir P. Khansaryan [494-228]

Spatial Load Forecasting Using Fuzzy Logic

By Shahram Javadi [494-205]


A novel approach for tuning power system stabilizer (smib system) using genetic local search technique

By Satheeshkumar Jegadeesan, Ebenezer Jeyakumar [494-115]