Corfu, Greece, August 23-25 2005




Tuesday, August 23, 2005




Plenary Lecture 1


Dr. John Eklund

Access Testing, Australia



Plenary Lecture 2


Dr. Fabrizio Cardinali

CEO of Giunti Interactive Labs




Plenary Lecture 3


Prof. Wladyslaw Mielczarski  

Technical University of Lodz, European Energy Institute, Poland





During the last ten years the power supply industry in Europe has been a subject of liberalization, which has changed fundamental rules of the power system operation and trade of energy. The first directive on market liberalization was issued in 1996 opening the door to the development of the electricity markets in European Community countries.

The second directive EC/54/2003 aims at the entirely free trade of electricity allowing all customers including households to select the electricity supplier in 2007. The directive has also introduced unbundling resulting in the separation of competitive trade of electricity and regulated network services. The regulation 1228/2003 opens electricity markets to international trade.
The lecture discuss the impact of the liberalization introduced by the European Commission on the power supply industry and electricity customers. The following topics are presented:

o        Power producers

o        Transmission system operators

o        Distribution system operators

o        Electricity users

o        Research and Academia

o        IT technologies

The analysis is illustrated by examples from various European countries.



Plenary Lecture 4


Prof. Dr-Eng. Christian Bouquegneau

Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium



The mechanism of thunderbolts development was not known one century ago; it is nowadays thanks to great technological improvements applied to measurements. In a cloud-to-ground discharge, the return stroke is upward though the leader can be either downward or upward, either negative or positive. Special attention is given to the negative ground flash formation and the attachment process. Up to date distributions of lightning peak currents and other current parameters are presented and comments made on thunderclouds, electrosphere phenomena (thunderstorms contribute to the electrical equilibrium of the Earth) and the lightning flash density around the world.
Four ways of studying lightning are emphasized:

Facing the future, a lot of research work has to be done to solve numerous unknowns:

All these subjects will be covered with a special emphasize on our missing knowledge and future research!




5th International WSEAS Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications

SESSION: Mobile, Wireless Networks and Optical Technology I


Optimized Channel Assignment Scheme for TETRA Networks

E. Dimitriadou,  K. Ioannou, I. Panoutsopoulos, A. Garmpis, S. Kotsopoulos


Interference situation adaptation scheme for organized beam-hopping based systems

Honglin Hu, Martin Weckerle, Jijun Luo, Egon Schulz


Performance analysis of discrete-time queues in slotted networks

G. R. Dattatreya, Larry N. Singh


An Intelligent Mechanism for Increasing the Bandwidth Utilization of Qos Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Chun-Yuan Chiu, Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen


Time and Frequency Domain Joint Channel Estimation in Multi-branch Systems

Guixia Kang, Martin Weckerle, Elena Costa, Ping Zhang






Wednesday, August 24, 2005





5th International WSEAS Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications

SESSION: Electromagnetism and Wave Propagation


A new approach in modelling EM Wave  Propagation in Troposphere using Finite Elements

Kamran Arshad, F. A. Katsriku and Aboubaker Lasabae


A Beam Propagation Method for Analysis of Er-doped Planar Devices

H. Shahrasbi, J. Nouri Nia,  Ch. Ghobadi


Accuracy analysis of phase array antennas beam steering based on digital phase shifters and fibre optic delay lines

Marcin Muszkowski, Edward Sêdek


Far-Field Effects With Human Head Evaluation of EM Emission

Sheng-Yi Huang, Shuang-Yuan Chen, Jwo-Shiun Sun


Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis and Radar Cross Section (RCS) Computation of Circular-like Impedance Objects Using the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) in Conjunction with the Standard Impedance Boundary Condition (SIBC)

Georgios Avdikos, Hristos Anastassiu, Angelos Vouldis




Thursday, August 25, 2005




5th International WSEAS Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications


SESSION: Mobile, Wireless Networks and Optical Technology II


Time Synchronization Possibilities in Wireless networks for Embedded Systems

Frantisek Scuglik


Bit Error Rate Performance of Third Generation Turbo Codes

M. A. U. Bhuiyan, M. S. Alam, M. S. Hosain


Distance Spectrum Analysis of Third Generation Turbo Codes

M. A. U. Bhuiyan, M. S. Hosain, S. Rahman


Determination of third order optical non-linearity in a liquid crystal by Z-scan technique for optoelectronic applications

R. Domínguez-Cruz, M.A. Milan, D. Vargas-Requena, A. Valencia-Rodríguez, G. Romero-Galván,  A. Méndez-Pérez, M.A. Panduro-Mendoza and R. Ramos-García
