Proceedings of the
5th WSEAS International Conference on
-SOSM 2005-
Cancun, Mexico, May 11-14 2005
Plenary Lecture 1:
Fractal scattering from porous media
Prof. Fernando Brambila Paz
National Council for Science
and Technology, Mexico
We will show that microwaves reflected from and transmitted through a porous media have a fractal dimension correlated to that of the porosity. The fractal signature of the scattered microves correlates well with some physical and mechanical properties of porous media. A mathematical model relating the ground penetrating radar record to the mass fractal dimension of the soil structure is also developed.
Plenary Lecture 2:
The Role of Global Optimisation in Oil-Reservoir Production Forecast
Prof. Susana Gómez Gómez
To be able to forecast the production of a reservoir (water and oil), it is
necessary to simulate the flux, which implies the characterization of the porous
media of the site under study. Using historical data on the pressure and
saturation, this problem of coefficient identification, can be solved as an ill-
posed inverse continuous least-squares optimisation problem. The optimisation of
this inverse problem, may have many local optima with good match to the data,
which produce alternative scenarios of production. These alternative solutions
also provide a way to deal with the uncertainty of the modelling process. Also,
due to the non-continuity of the inverse operator, it is necessary to use
regularization methods to get stable solutions in the realistic case of
historical data with measurement errors. Our aim here, is the generation of
alternative global optimisation methods that obtain the optimal solutions with
good match to the data in a stable way, and in reasonable computer time, to
produce efficient decision making tools.
We will present here the Parallel Tunneling Global Optimisation method, that
performs multiple Levenberg-Marquard type local searches, to produce local
optimal solutions with good match. Also, an alternative method to regularize and
the need to efficiently scale the problem, will be discussed. The speed and
robustness of the method will be shown when tested on synthetic and real
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005
Plenary Lecture 1:
Mathematical simulation of concomitant nitride layers produces by diffusion processes
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Oseguera
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México
Session: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
The Fuzzy Frequent Pattern Tree for Mining Large Databases
By Stergios Papadimitriou, Konstantinos Terzidis, Seferina Mavroudi, Spiridon D. Likothanassis [495-190]
Mining of Fuzzy Association Rules using a Kernel-based Self-Organized Map for partitioning large databases
By Stergios Papadimitriou, Konstantinos Terzidis, Seferina Mavroudi, Spiridon D. Likothanassis [495-191]
Definition and simulation of fuzzy controllers for the motion of a mobile robot and the force exerted at the robot’s hand
By Alba Sánchez Galvez, Sully Sánchez Galvez, Ricardo Alvarez González [495-222]
Evolutionary Art Revisited: Making the Process Fully Automated
By Andrés Gómez De Silva Garza, Arám Zamora Lores [495-Ku1]
A Fuzzy Interactive Method for Solving Bilevel Programming
By Zhong-Ping Wan [495-242]
Forecasting Daily Maximum Temperature Using New Neuro-Fuzzy Network with Variable Structure
By Saeid Soheily Khah , Mohammad TeshnehLab [495-274]
A Framework for ANN-Based GIS Image Compression and Restoration
By Yousif AL-Bastaki [495-296]
Infant Cry Classification to Identify Hypo acoustics and Asphyxia with an Evolutionary-Neural System
By Orion F. Reyes Galaviz, Carlos A. Reyes García, Sergio D. Cano Ortiz [495-ku2]
Rigid Object Recognition Invariable to Rotation and Translation based on Contour Detection and Least-Squares Minimization of a Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network
By R. Rosas-Romero, J. Rodriguez-Asomoza, D. Baez Lopez [495-Ze6]
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2005
Plenary Lecture 1:
Some mathematical problems in applied electrical tomography
Prof. Andrés Fraguela Collar
Puebla University, Mexico
Session: Information Systems and Computational Methods
Prediction of Propagation Characteristics for Frequency and Cell Planning in Urban Environments
By N. Blaunstein, D. Katz and N. Yarkoni [495-313]
A novel methodology for database knowledge discovery
By Richard A. Wasniowski [495-266]
Effectively finding Relevant Web Pages from the World Wide Web
By N. P. Gopalan, J. Akilandeswari, P. Gabriel Sagaya Selvam [495-259]
An Improved Moderation Technique for Fusion of K-Nearest Neighbor classifiers
By Fuad M. Alkoot [495-253]
Control and Simulation of Fault and Change Effect in a Back to Back System of High Voltage Direct Current Network
By Mohsen Kalantar, Naser M. Tabatabaei, Mehdi Rashidi [495-249]
A Programming Method for Building Component-Based Commercial Software for Image Processing
By Feriel Benhissi, Salem Nasri [495-152]
An Ontological Decision Support System for the Design of Structural Simulation Models
By Stefan Jaksch, Margit Pfeiffer-Rudy [495-147]
Robust controller for damping power system oscillations
By Lakshmanaperumal [495-124]
More uniformly distributed sampling does not necessarily lead to more accurate models for computer experiments
By Longjun Liu [495-121]
Non-linear boundary conditions at the interface of two fluids
By Ivan V. Kazachkov, Olga M. Kazachkova [495-118]
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2005
Session: Evolutionary Computing and Intelligent Systems
An improved CA model with anticipation for one-lane traffic flow
By María Elena Lárraga, Antonio del Río [495-321]
A New Approach to Fault Tolerant Mobile Agent Execution in Distributed Systems
By H. Hamidi, K.Mohammadi [495-330]
Torque Ripple Minimization of Switched Reluctance Machine using Genetic Algorithm
By R.T. Naayagi, Dr. V.Kamaraj [495-268]
Determination of the regularization parameter for support vector machines via vasconcelos’ genetic algorithm
Angel Kuri-Morales, Iván Mejía-Guevara [495-119]
Session: Optimization and Linear Programming
Planning of Operations in Product Recovery Centers Using Linear Programming
By Monica Vanegas, Günther Seliger [495-227]
On Constraint Programming Approaches to the Jobshop Scheduling Problem
By Maria Auxilio Osorio-Lama [495-210]
Optimization of Energy Consumption and Load Management In Industries
By Seid Hamid Fathi [495-279]
Shortest weighted congestion polynomial time path based on Newton interpolation
formulae and Modified Warshal’s algorithm
Gaurav Bajpai [495-271]