Proceedings of the
5th WSEAS International Conference on
-IMCCAS 2005-
Cancun, Mexico, May 11-14, 2005
Plenary Lecture 1:
Fractal scattering from porous media
Prof. Fernando Brambila Paz
National Council for
Science and Technology, Mexico
We will show that microwaves reflected from and transmitted through a porous media have a fractal dimension correlated to that of the porosity. The fractal signature of the scattered microves correlates well with some physical and mechanical properties of porous media. A mathematical model relating the ground penetrating radar record to the mass fractal dimension of the soil structure is also developed.
Plenary Lecture 2:
The Role of Global Optimisation in Oil-Reservoir Production Forecast
Prof. Susana Gómez Gómez
To be able to forecast the production of a reservoir (water and oil), it is
necessary to simulate the flux, which implies the characterization of the
porous media of the site under study. Using historical data on the pressure
and saturation, this problem of coefficient identification, can be solved as
an ill- posed inverse continuous least-squares optimisation problem. The
optimisation of this inverse problem, may have many local optima with good
match to the data, which produce alternative scenarios of production. These
alternative solutions also provide a way to deal with the uncertainty of the
modelling process. Also, due to the non-continuity of the inverse operator, it
is necessary to use regularization methods to get stable solutions in the
realistic case of historical data with measurement errors. Our aim here, is
the generation of alternative global optimisation methods that obtain the
optimal solutions with good match to the data in a stable way, and in
reasonable computer time, to produce efficient decision making tools.
We will present here the Parallel Tunneling Global Optimisation method, that
performs multiple Levenberg-Marquard type local searches, to produce local
optimal solutions with good match. Also, an alternative method to regularize
and the need to efficiently scale the problem, will be discussed. The speed
and robustness of the method will be shown when tested on synthetic and real
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2005
Plenary Lecture 1:
Mathematical simulation of concomitant nitride layers produces by diffusion processes
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Oseguera
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México
Session: Advanced Control Techniques and Intelligent Systems
A new Hamiltonian-based
identification scheme for Robot Manipulators
By F. Reyes, E. Lopez [495-Ze02]
Programming environment and a new positioning control for the PUMA 200 robot
By F. Reyes, A. Guzman, J. Cid Monjaraz [495-Ze1]
Position controllers with bounded actions for robot manipulators
By F. Reyes, R. Campos, A. Corona, G. Flores [495-Ze2]
Modelling and simulation of a wheeled mobile robot in configuration classical tricycle
By I. Bonilla, F. Reyes, M. Mendoza [495-Ze3]
Experimental evaluation of three fixed-camera visual servo controllers on a robot-pendulum
By M. Mendoza, F. Reyes, I. Bonilla [495-Ze4]
Modeling of Human Skin Muscle and Massage Control by Using Multi-fingered Robot Hand
By Kazuhiko Terashima, Taku Kondo, Panya Minyong, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa, Juan Urbano [495-305]
Regrasping Control by Multi-fingered Robot Hand
By Kazuhiko Terashima, Juan Urbano, Takanori Miyoshi, Kagetoshi Ito, Takashi Imamura, Hideo Kitagawa [495-198]
Session: Optimization and Design of Electronic Circuits and Filters
Generalization of Analog System Design Methodology
By Alexander Zemliak [495-125]
Some Principal Characteristics of Time-Optimal System Design Algorithm
By Alexander Zemliak, Antonio Michua [495-126]
Simulation and Design of a Combo Electrostatic Micromotor for MEMS
By J. Cid, H. Davila, C. Garcia, C. Gomez, Omar Molina, Rubí Salazar [495-Ze01]
Selection of the Initial Point for Time -Optimal System Design Procedure
By P. Miranda [495-Ze04]
Time Optimal Design Strategy Analysis for Nonlinear Electronic Circuits
By E. Rios [495-Ze9]
Architecture design for Adaptive Noise Cancellation
By M. Radhika, O. Uma maheshwari, J. Raja paul perinbam [495-327]
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2005
Plenary Lecture 1:
Some mathematical problems in applied electrical tomography
Prof. Andrés Fraguela Collar
Puebla University, Mexico
Session: Measurement, Instrumentation and System Monitoring
PSOC Implementation of LCR Meter
By S. Nagarajan [495-106]
Use of Neural Networks in Testing Analog to Digital Converters
By K. Mohammadi, S. J. Seyyed Mahdavi [495-123]
The Design of a Control System for a Digitally Driven Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
By Richard McKeon, Francis Li, Li Ding [495-138]
A Magnetic-Device Test of Scale Control in Tap-Water Heating
By Daniela Dobersek, Lucija Crepinsek Lipus, Darko Goricanec, Jurij Krope [495-139]
The Impact of Ageing to Mechanical Characteristics of Resin Bonded Wheels
By Albin Matavz, Jurij Krope, Darko Goricanec [495-140]
Uncertainty Analysis of Instrumentation Systems: Classical & Interval Methods
By Vasuki, Shanmugavalli [495-179]
Session: Optimization and Design of Electronic Circuits and Filters
Architecture design for an Adaptive Equalizer
By E.Kalpana, O.Uma Maheshwari, Dr,J. Rajapaul Perinbam [495-324]
Suboptimal Filter for Dynamic Systems with Different Types of Observations
By Vladimir
Shin, Rashid Minhas [495-131]
Matlab Simulation of Sliding Mode Control of Shunt Active Filter for Power Quality Improvement
By R.Shanmugha Sundaram, K.J.Poornaselvan, N.Devarajan [495-148]
Design and analysis of FPGA based self timed systems with specific focus to xilinx FPGAs
By Mathurai
Sriraman [495-223]
Test Point Insertion for improving the pseudo-random testability of Boolean circuits
By Edwin samraj Jeyakumart [495-252]
Session: Analogue and Digital Circuits and Applications
A pipelined adc with digital correction for IEEE 802.11a WLAN
By Chien-Hung Kuo, Shih-Lin Huang [495-165]
A 2.5V 6.4mW 10-bit 140MS/s Digital-to-Analog Converter with Improved Current Mirror
By Chien-Hung Kuo,Jen-Chieh Tsai [495-166]
A Novel Low Power Compression/Decompression Unit using PAL
By P. Vidya priyadarshini, G.Josemin bala, J. Raja Paul Perimbham [495-236]
Comparison of Various De-Noising Algorithms pertaining to Power Quality Signals using Phaselet Transform
By Sudhakar M. S, Subramaniam N.P, Bhoopathy Bagan. K [495-247]
A High Speed CMOS Incrementer/Decrementer circuit with reduced Power Delay product
By P. Balasubramanian, R. Chinnadurai [495-224]
systems for real time energy management
Udhayarani T. [495-283]
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2005
Session: Analogue and Digital Circuits and Applications
Digital Domestic Meter for the Measurement and Billing of Electricity in Mexico
By Ruben Martinez, Domingo Torres, Manuel Madrigal, Leonardo Guardado [495-Ze13]
Communicating Confidential Information via Synchronized Time-Delay Chua’s Circuits
By C. Cruz-Hernandez, N. Romero-Haros [495-Ze12]
Reliable design of the CAN bit synchronization block
By Mohamed K. Al-Mekkawy, Ahmed M. Mahmoud, Alexander Zavochikove, Aly E. Salama [495-319]
New Switched-Capacitor Pipelined ADC
By Jiri Haze, Radimir Vrba, Lukas Fujcik, Michal Skocdopole [495-309]
Real Time Hardware Vision System Design
By Pedro Cobos Arribas [495-291]
Analog-Digital versus DSP Implementation of Park’s Current Calculators for AC Mains Self-Powered Systems
By Vasco Soares, Pedro Verdelho [495-281]
Session: Measurement, Instrumentation and System Monitoring
Frequency estimation enhancement of multiple complex exponentials
By Mark Lee, David Clarke [495-204]
Signal Analysis for Dynamic Response of Dlc Triboadhesion Coatings on Rolling Bearings
By J. M. Rodríguez Lelis, Eduardo Ramírez Flores, Jorge Colín Ocampo [495-Ze8]
A frequency estimation comparison between the modified covariance method and the Fourier transform
By Mark Lee, David Clarke [495-297]
Superplastic forming process control
By Manigandan Muniraj, Kalaichelvan K [495-239]
Particle filters for real-time fault diagnosis in hybrid systems
By Hossein Bolandi, Sareh Bahmanpour [495-317]
Measuring and Monitoring System for Buses with Electric Power
By Radek Kuchta, Radimir Vrba [495-261]
New type of pressure sensor for explosive industrial environment
By Jaroslav Kadlec, Radek Kuchta, Radimír Vrba [495-262]
State Estimation And Fault Diagnosis Of Industrial Process With Particle Filters
By Hossein Bolandi, Sareh Bahmanpour [495-263]
Session: Advanced Control Techniques and Intelligent Systems
A Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Induction Motors Using Neural Networks for Rotor Speed Estimation
By Oscar Barambones, Francisco J. Maseda, Aitor J. Garrido, Patricia Gomez [495-186]
Short Term Load Forecasting for Bakhtar Region Electric Co. Using Multi Layer Perceptron and Fuzzy Inference systems
By R. Barzaminiï, M.B. Menhaj, A. Khosravi, SH. Kamalvand [495-137]
Observed-based flux estimation models implementation for direct field oriented control of induction machine drives
By Aitor J. Garrido, Francisco J. Maseda, Oscar Barambones, M. De la Sen [495-194]
Optimized fuzzy logic navigation algorithm for autonomous mobile robot control
By Ahmad M. Mahmoud [495-203]
Design of fuzzy based attitude controller for spin stabilized micro-satellite
By N. Prasanna kumar, S. Lakshmi, J. Shanmugam [495-316]
Neural Networks based Three-Axis Satellite Attitude Control Using only Magnetic Torquers
By N. Sivaprakash, J. Shanmugam [495-285]
Fuzzy Attitude Controller for a Spin Stabilized Microsatellite Using Only Magnetic Torquers
By Harshitha .I. Singh, Shanmugam.J, Natarajan.P [495-289]
Session: Measurement, Instrumentation and System Monitoring
Model of an Induction Motor Fed from Three-Phase CSI
By Jiri Klima, Ludek Schreier [494-286]
Design of Experiments for Quality Parameters Assessment
By Radovan Novotný [495-307]
Digital Solutions in Novel Microsensor Measurement System
By Lukas Fujcik, Radimir Vrba, Pavel Steffan, Roman Prokop, Jiri Haze, Michal Skocdopole [495-310]
Broadcast-Based Test Scheme for Reducing Test Size and Application Time
By Jiann-Chyi Rau, Jun-Yi Chang and Chien-Shiun Chen [495-209]