9th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference

Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 11-16, 2005

9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS

July 11-13, 2005






Monday, July 11, 2005







The Impulse-Response Scandal and The Foundations Of Linear System Theory


Professor Irwin W. Sandberg

University of Texas at Austin, USA


Abstract: It is a widely-held belief that the main textbook conclusions concerning continuous time linear systems obtained using Dirac delta-function arguments can be shown to be valid using the mathematical theory of distributions. But this belief is unwarranted. For example, in a recent study of multidimensional input-output maps representing linear shift-invariant systems that take a set of continuous-space signals into itself, it was shown that the family contains maps whose impulse response is the zero function, but which take certain inputs into nonzero outputs. In this connection, we give an expression for the most general input-output map associated with the members of a certain important large family of multidimensional linear systems. This expression is a uniform limit of a convolution. We also give a necessary and sufficient condition under which the limit can be written as a convolution, and we relate this to the concepts of an impulse response and a q-response limit, and to the flawed concept of the Dirac function. The talk will be addressed to a general circuits and systems audience, and will include a pertinent historical survey as well as material concerning engineering education.




Network-Based Mathematical Programming Models in Data Mining


Panos M. Pardalos

Professor and Co-Director, Center for Applied Optimization

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department

303 Weil Hall, University of Florida

PO Box 116595

Gainesville, FL 32611-6595


Abstract: Nowadays, scientists, engineers and businessmen working in diverse fields have one problem in common: they all have to deal with large datasets which arise in a broad spectrum of areas, including finance, banking, manufacturing, supply chain, medicine and biotechnology, telecommunications, military systems, etc. In many cases, in order to discover useful information from a certain dataset, mathematical programming approaches are successfully applied. We discuss one of the promising research directions in data mining - using network-based models for data analysis and decision making. In many practical situations, a real-world dataset can be represented as a large graph (network) with certain attributes associated with its vertices and edges. These attributes may contain specific information characterizing the given application, which often provides a new insight into the internal structure and patterns of the data. The considered examples include telecommunications, biomedicine, and finance.





Solid state nanostructures in photovoltaics (PV)


Professor Argyrios C. Varonides
University of Scranton, USA



ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS


SPECIAL SESSION: Carrier Conduction in MQW Solar Cells

Chairman – Organizer: Prof. Argyrios Varonides, University of Scranton, USA


Tunneling vs. Thermionic Currents in Multi-Quantum Well Photovoltaic Structures

Argyrios C. Varonides, Robert A. Spalletta


Hopping Currents for III-V Nanostructures in the Tight Binding Approximation

Argyrios C. Varonides


Losses due to Quantum Size Effects in Thermionic Currents in III-V MQW Solar Cells

Argyrios C. Varonides & Robert A. Spalletta


Gains in Activation Energy from Quasi Fermi Splitting, In Selectively Doped MQW Solar Cells

Argyrios C. Varonides, Robert A. Spalletta & Andrew W. Berger


Currents in Modern Photovoltaic Hetero-Structures: A Review

Argyrios C. Varonides





ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  

SESSION : Circuits and Artificial Systems Implementation
Chair: Prof.
Ioannis Kyprianidis


Unsupervised Pattern Classification by means of Cellular Neural Networks

Giovanni Costantini, Daniele Casali, Massimo  Carota


Moving Objects Detection based on CNNs and Clustering

Giovanni Costantini, Daniele Casali, Massimo Carota


Finding Bipartition Respecting Natural Dense Clusters

Abhijit S. Deshpande, Sachin B. Patkar, H Narayanan


Control of Chaotic Dynamics by Linear Resistive Coupling

Ioannis Kyprianidis, Christos Volos, Ioannis Stouboulos


Estimation of the flashover voltage on insulators using Artificial Neural Networks

A.A. Gialketsi, V.T. Kontargyri, I.F. Gonos, I.A. Stathopulos


Adaptive sliding mode control for dc/dc buck converters

Ivan Trushev, Nikos Mastorakis, Ivan Tabahnev, Valeri Mladenov





ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION : Electronics and Circuit Analysis
Chair: Prof. Ming Zhang


Design of a CMOS on-chip high voltage generator

M. Zhang, N. Llaser, J.-A. Esclafer de la Rode


Simulation Models for Photogate Active Pixel Sensor

Bruno Casadei, Christian Dufaza, Lionel Martin


Modelling the performance Characteristics of radial active magnetic bearings - comparison of 2-D and 3-D finite element method and reluctance network method

Janne Nerg, Riku Pöllänen and Juha Pyrhönen


The 1-to-7 Phase Decoder Circuit Design using VHDL

Serafim Poriazis


Search Space Pruning Techniques in ATPG for VLSI Circuits

Michael Dimopoulos, Panagiotis Linardis


Sensor Network Based on Mutual Communications With Reliability Index

Takeshi Fujiwara, Kensuke Komatsu, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Masaharu Nakazawa, Yoshiki Shimomura


Sensor Movement Simulation Techniques in 3D Finite Element Modelling of Eddy Current Non Destructive Testing

M. Rachek, M. Feliachi, M. Zaouia


Speed-up of Memory Failure Shape Analysis

Jyh-Ming Jang, Hsing-Chung Liang, Hwang-Cherng Chow


High Speed Pipelined Booth Multiplier for DSP Applications

Hwang-Cherng Chow, I-Chyn Wey


High and Low Speed Output Buffer Design with Reduced Switching Noise for USB Applications

Hwang-Cherng Chow, C. Huang, Hsing-Chung Liang


Novel Frequency Doubler Circuits and Dividers Using Duty Cycle Control Buffers

Hwang-Cherng Chow, Hsing-Chung Liang




Tuesday, July 12, 2004



ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION : Circuit Analysis and Applications I
Prof. Huann-Wu Chiang



Extending Boundary-Scan to Perform a Memory Built-In Self-Test

Henning Bahr, Gordon Russell, Yajian Li


A Study on the Metallic Electrode Materials of the SAW Devices

Huann-Wu Chiang, Jun-Xian Wu


Shear Horizontal Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators for Ammonia Detection

Chi-Yen Shen, Cheng-Liang Hsu, Jin-Shing Jeng


The Search for the Model Gamer

Clive Chandler, Len Noriega


Finite Element Computational Model for Defect Simulation and Detection by Eddy Currents Non Destructive Testing

M. Rachek, M. Zaouia, H. Denoun, C. Birouche


The Hybrid Analysis Method Based on Loop Current and Nodal Voltage in Power Network

Wang Chengmin, Jiang Chuanwen




ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION : Circuits for Systems Implementation

Chair: Prof. Alexander Zemliak



Efficient implementation of constant coefficient division under quantization constraints

Juan A. Lopez, Gabriel Caffarena, Ruzica Jevtic, Carlos Carreras, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz


Multi microblaze system for parallel computing

P Huerta, J Castillo, J.I Martinez, V. Lopez


Analysis of the Initial Point Separate Surface for the Minimal-Time System Design Process

Alexander Zemliak, Pedro Miranda


Design and improvement a high speed and low power 8/9 frequency divider with TSPC dynamic logic

Ali Rahnemaei, Farnood Khoshnevis, Alireza Mohammadnia, Adel Akbarimajd


A New Shaft Position Control for Switched Reluctance Motor in Harsh Environment

E. Afjei, M.M. Nezamabadi, A. Saati


A Complete and Novel Sensorless Method for Rotor Position Sensing in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives

E. Afjei,  M.M. Nezamabadi, A. Javeh


Unit commitment using embedded greedy search particle swarm optimization with mutation operation

Sun Liyong, Zhang Yan, Jiang Chuanwen






ROOM A’: 9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION: Circuits and Filters
Chair :
Prof. M.Abuelmaatti



A New Polyphase Mixed-Mode Bandpass Filter Section Using Current-Feedback Operational Amplifiers

Muhammad Taher Abuelma'atti, Sa'ad Muhammad Al-Shahrani


A New Active Polyphase Filter for Image Rejection Using Second Generation Current Conveyors

Ali Abuelma’atti, M.T. Abuelma’atti


A new current-mode current-controlled current-conveyor based universal filter

M.T. Abuelma’atti, A. Bentrcia, M.K. Al-Absi, S.M. Al-Shahrani


A New Polyphase Current-Mode Filter Using Programmable-Gain Current-Controlled Current-Conveyor

Muhammad Taher Abuelma'atti, Sa'ad Muhammad Al-Shahrani


Filtering structures in pure current mode

Vit Novotny, Jiri Misurec, Tomas Lukl


Computer-aided circuit analysis with respect to switched circuits

Tomas Lukl, Vit Novotny, Jiri Misurec





ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION: Electrics, Electronics and Circuit Analysis I

Chair : Prof. Jiang Chuanwen, Prof. Karl Edelmoser



The design of temperature-compensated surface acoustic wave oscillator

Mei-Hui Chung, Shuming T. Wang, Ji-Wei Lin


Universal Conveyor – novel active device suitable for analog signal processing

Radek Sponar, Kamil Vrba, David Kubanek


Electric Load Combined Forecasting Model Weights Optimization Using An Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm

Jiang Chuanwen, Ma Yuchao, Liu Yong


Electric and electronic circuit analysis with Millman theorem

Vahé Nerguizian, Mustapha Rafaf, Chahé Nerguizian


New magnetic force expressions of the system: Filamentary circular coil–massive circular solenoid with rectangular cross section

Slobodan I. Babic , Cevdet Akyel


Three Level DC-to-AC Power Inverter for Power Grid Operation

K. H. Edelmoser


The Optimized Bridge-Leg Power Switch

K. H. Edelmoser, H. Ertl, F. C. Zach




BANQUET: (July 12) with live music and greek folklore ballet


Wednesday, July 13, 2004

ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION : Circuit Analysis and Applications II
Chair : Jiang Chuanwen


A Hybrid Pso Algorithm With Enforced Local Search For Transmission Network Expansion Planning

Ciwei Gao,Haozhong Cheng,Chuanwen Jiang


Transmission Power Loss Impacts on the Oligopoly Competitive Electricity Market

Yuchao Ma, Chuanwen Jiang, Zhijian Hou


Self-oscillating Auxiliary Medium Open Loop Power Supply Deploying Boost EIE Converter

L.C. Gomes de Freitas, F.R.S. Vincenzi, E.A.A. Coelho, J.B. Vieira Jr., L.C. de Freitas


A 1000W RMS class D amplifier with feedback

F.R.S. Vincenzi, L.C. Gomes de Freitas, N. J. Moreira Jr, E.A.A. Coelho, J.B. Vieira Jr., L.C. de Freitas


Better Reliability Assessment of Database Based Application Software

M. S. Hosain, M. S. Alam


Reduction of the gain errors in multi - input Nagaraj–89 very large time constant integrators

Nikolay Radev, Nikos Mastorakis, Kantcho Ivanov, Valeri Mladenov


Continuous and Digital Nonlinear Chaotic Systems: Energy-metric Approach, Simulation and Implementation

Milan Stork, Josef Hrusak, Daniel Mayer




ROOM A’:  9th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS  


SESSION: Electrics, Electronics and Circuit Analysis II

Chair: Prof.  Boyko Dimov



RSFQ technique for generation of ultra-fast pulse chains having controlled and variable time-domain parameters

Boyko Dimov, Valeri Todorov, Valeri Mladenov, F. Hermann Uhlmann


Optimization over pseudo-Boolean lattices

M.Hosseinyazdi, A.Hassankhani, M.Mashinchi


Improvement of transient stability by variation generator parameters and high speed fault clearing

S. Jalilzadeh, S. Jadid


Combinational Pricing Method for Active and Reactive Power in Power System

J. Aghaei,  A. Kazemi, H. A. Shayanfar, M. Yari


Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Systems Using a Special Class of Timed Petri Net

Abolfazl Jalilvand, Sohrab Khanmohammadi, Fereidoon Shabani Nia


Branch and Bound-Based Scheduling of Tasks on Unrelated Parallel Multiprocessor Systems Using Petri Nets

Abolfazl Jalilvand, Sohrab Khanmohammadi, Fereidoon Shabani Nia
