Proceedings of the
4th WSEAS International Conference on
-AEE '05-
Prague, Czech Republic, March 13-15, 2005
Novel Electrical Methodologies in Geomaterials |
Pressure Stimulated Current - PSC - emitted from marble samples when subjected to stress of various rates up to fracture by Ilias Stavrakas, Dimos Triantis, Cimon Anastasiadis [493-387]
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Identification of hydrocarbon contamination in low porosity marble samples using ac conductivity time-series by G.Hloupis, I.Stavrakas, D.Triantis, F.Vallianatos, J.Stonham [493-352]
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Pressure Stimulated Current (PSC) recordings on cement mortar and marble by Antonis Kyriazopoulos, Ilias Stavrakas, Cimon Anastasiadis, Dimos Triantis [493-361]
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Comments and remarks on the recordings of Pressure Stimulated Currents (PSC), in marble samples in the range of microcracking by Dimos Triantis, Ilias Stavrakas, Cimon Anastasiadis [493-308]
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Dielectric spectroscopy as a tool for the detection of contamination in sandstone Saltas V. [493-499]
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Ac conductivity of marble rocks after the application of various stress modes. Correlation with mechanical properties by Cimon Anastasiadis, Dimos Triantis, Ilias Stavrakas, Filippos Vallianatos [493-309]
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Educational Aspects of Electrical Engineering |
Flow Graphs Suitable for Teaching Circuit Analysis by Biolek, D., Biolkova, V. [493-Bi36]
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Application Aspects of Computers in Education by Bores, P. [493-Bi10]
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Distance learning support system at the University of Defence - development enclosures by Brazda, A. [493-Bi7] |
Modern microcontroller building set for teaching and development of industrial applications by Weissar, P., Kosturik, K., Kubik, M. [493-Bi9]
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Simulation and Animation of Power Electronics in Modern Education by Bauer P. , Leuchter,J., Stekly, V. [493-Bi16]
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Designing with programmable logic devices - course at the University of West Bohemia by Poupa, M. [493-Bi14]
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Effective Support of DSP by Using MATLAB® in Bachelor Type of Study by Zaplatilek, K., Donar, B. [493-Bi2]
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Teaching support of electric filters by SYNTFIL package by Jan Bicak, Jirii Hospodka, [493-243]
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Problems Related to Teaching Informatics at the University of Defence by Burita, L., Hruby, M., Kaderka, J., Szlauerova, R., Jilek, R. [493-Bi27]
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Impact of Photonics on the Education of Electrical Engineering Subjects by Maschke, J., Vlcek, C. [493-Bi31]
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Application of Topological Methods for Analysis and Synthesis of Electrical Networks |
Topological Analysis of Nonreciprocal Electrical Network with Help of Singular Elements by Braun, J., Zilka, Z., Berka, Z. [493-Bi34]
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Flow Graph Analysis of PWM DC-to-DC Converters by Biolek, D., Biolkova, V. [493-Bi38]
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Nullor Network Jacobian and Hessian Matrices: Symbolic Determination by using Chan-Mai Signal-Flow Graphs by Georgi Nenov, Pavel Baltiyski, Marina Nenova [493-283]
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Advanced Frequency Filters and Their Applications |
Novel Design Method of Digital IIR Filters by Ziska, P., Laipert, M. [493-Bi32]
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ARC Filters based on Lossy LC Ladder Prototypes by Hajek, K., Sedlacek, J. [493-Bi28]
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Design of Universal Multifunction Conveyor by Misurec, J., Novotny, V. [493-Bi19]
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Integrators with current conveyors by Misurec, J. [493-Bi17]
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High-Frequency Filter with UVCs Derived from RLC Structure by Kubanek D., Vrba K., Sponar R. [493-265]
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Analog Filter Design Based on Evolutionary Algorithms by Martinek, P., Ticha, D. [493-Bi13]
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Current Mode Multifunction Biquad using Single CDBA by Ali Umit Keskin, Mehmet Said Yukselten [493-244]
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The Analog Filter Design and Interactive Analog Signal Processing by PC Control by Vratislav Michal, Sedlacek, J., Hajek, K. [493-Bi6]
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Current-mode all-pass filters using multiple-output CDTA by Tomas Dostal [493-242]
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System Analysis and Modeling |
Numerical analysis of vibrational generator by Zdeněk Pončík, Alice Řičařová, Pavel Fiala [493-220]
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Analysis the Operation of DVR in Voltage Sag Mitigation Using EMTP by H.Monsefm, B.Tamimi [493-316]
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Using the Artificial Neural Networks for Accurate RF Devices Modeling by Pospisil, L., Dobes, J. [493-Bi12]
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Applying Signal Processing Techniques to Facilitate the Shape Modeling in Industrial Design by Chensheng Wang, Joris S.M. Vergeest, Pieter J. Stappers [493-197]
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An alternative approach to modulo-multiplication for Finite Fields using the Itoh-Tsujii Algorithm by Bharathwaj Sanakara Viswanathan, K. L. Narasimhan [493-217]
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Efficient Application of Signal Processing Methods in Textile Science by Kosek, M. [493-Bi1]
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Courseware for Symbolic Analysis by Kolka, Z. [493-Bi4]
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The Fastest Determination of Precise Magnitude and Phase of Harmonic Signal in Case of 50 Hz Power Line Disturbance by Hajek, K., Sedlacek, J., Sviezeny, B. [493-Bi29]
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Computation complexity of time-frequency representation of signals by Misurec, J., Koula, I. [493-Bi18]
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Sensitivity Analysis in Multiconductor Transmission Line Networks by Brancik, L. [493-Bi20]
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Signal Energy-Metric Approach to Stability Analysis of Linear and Non-Linear Causal Systems by Hrusak, J, Mayer, D. [493-Bi21]
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Progressive Methods in the Numerical Modeling by the Finite Elements by Fiala, P., Kadlecova, E. [493-Bi22]
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Circuits, Devices and Systems |
On Synthesis of Asymptotic Filter Banks Based on a Generalization of the Tellegen’s Principle by Milan Stork, Josef Hrusak [493-245]
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Radar Pulse Compression Techniques by Shamsolah S. , Jamshihi J., Rafiee, A. [493-118]
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Intrusion Detection and Response System Generator: Using Transferred Belief Model by Bel G. Raggad [493-144]
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Comparison of Reference Compensating Current Estimation Techniques for Shunt Active Filter by R.Shanmugha Sundaram, K.J.Poornaselvan, N.Devarajan [493-149]
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Analysis and Simulation of Active Clamped Quasi-Resonant DC Link Inverter by Ismail Aksoy, Hülya Obdan, Nur Bekiroglu [493-155]
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Design of a Variable Key Length Cryptographic Processor by Bharathwaj S.V., Kishore L.N., Arulalan M R [493-173]
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Overview of SMMS-SOC architecture by S.Natarajan, N.Ramadass, .J.Raja Paul Perinbam [493-192]
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A new method for implementation of radio frequency power meters by Hossein Mohseni, Mohammad Hossein Alavi, Mohammad Reza Malek Mohammadi [493-208]
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A direct conversion based high resolution spectrum analyzer for medium frequency by M. R. Malek Mohammadi, M. H. Alavi, H. Mohseni [493-213]
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Analysis of Voltage to Frequency Converter with Phase Modulation Possibility by Milan Stork [493-236]
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Symbolic Analysis of Switched-Mode DC-to-DC Converters by Biolek, D., Biolkova, V. [493-Bi37]
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On multi-port current conveyors by Tomas Dostal, Kamil Vrba, Josef Cajka [493-291]
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Electric current across heterojunction with different effective mass by Michal Horák [493-381]
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Design of a Current Control Synchronized Chaotic Colpitts Oscillator System by Tsakiridis O., Zervas E., Koutsioumpos M., Stonham J. [493-384]
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Delta Converter Modification in SR Machine by Borhan Azimi, Hassan Ghafoori Fard, Amin Hassan Yazdavar [493-337]
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Videoconference Security by Cvrk, L., Sykora, M., Zeman, V. [493-Bi5]
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Measurement and Model Identification of Semiconductor Devices by Dobes, J., Grabner, M. [493-Bi11]
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Source of Synchronously Digitally Controlled Pure Harmonic Signal for Precise Measurement by Hajek, K., Sedlacek, J., Sviezeny, B. [493-Bi30]
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Modulation Classifier of Digitally Modulated Signals Based on Method of Artificial Neural Networks by Marie Richterova, Antonin Mazalek, Karel Pelikan [493-233]
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Optimization and Control |
Optimal Parameterization Selection for the Brain-Computer Interface by J. Štastny, J. Zejbrdlich, Pavel Sovka [493-176]
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Optimized Solar Water Pumping System Based on an Induction Motor Driving a Centrifugal Pump by A. Betka, A.Moussi [493-113]
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A Novel Approach for Tuning Power System Stabilizer (Smib System) Using Genetic Local Search Technique by Satheeshkumar Jegadeesan,Ebenezer Jeyakumar [493-138]
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Comparison of UPFC Based Stabilizer and PSS Performances on Damping of Power System Oscillations by M. Sadeghierad [493-148]
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A Neural Network Approach to Sensorless Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor by M. Sadeghierad [493-150]
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Efficiency optimization of variable speed induction motor using artificial neural network by D.Devaraj, S.Durairaj, K.Vaitheeswaran, S.Karthi [493-107]
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Data transfer and processing in MR tomography using digital processor by Bartusek K., Dokoupil Z., Smekal Z., Gescheidtova E. [493-131]
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Ant Colony Algorithm for Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks by J.Nikoukar [493-166]
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Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Machine using Genetic Algorithm by R.T.Naayagi, V.Kamaraj [493-375]
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by Javad Nikoukar, Majid Gandomkar [493-196]
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by Abbas Shabani, Seid Hamid Fathi [493-202]
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Robust Controller for Damping Power System Oscillations by S. Vavidel, Lakshmana Perumal [493-203]
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by Bahman Bahmani,Alimohammad Ranjbar [493-317]
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Electromagnetism and Power Systems |
by Gilson Paulillo [493-268]
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Study of Harmonics Effects on Performance of Induction Motors by Hashem Oraee Mirzamani, Azim Lotfjou Choobari, [493-139]
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by Sadeghierad M., TaherieAsbagh A., Monsef, H. [493-146]
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A New Modeling of Inductive Sensors for Current Measuring at High Voltage by Hashem Oraee Mirzamamni , Azim Lotfjou Choobari, Mohammad Hadi Varahram [493-147]
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Harmonic Distortions Produced by Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Distribution Networks Mateus D. Teixeira, Gilson Paulillo, Alexandre R. Aoki, Daniel L. Archanjo [493-200]
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A Novel Approach for the Classification of Power Quality Disturbance Using Combined Adaptive Decomposition Structure and Neural Network by Subramaniam.N.P, Jayashree.S and Bhoopathy bagan.K [493-231]
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by Benamrouche Nacereddine, Khaldi Rabah, Bousbaine Amar [493-237]
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by Saied Jalilzadeh, Shahram Jadid [493-122]
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by Hala, A. [493-Bi35]
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by M. Djennah, Z. Abidi [493-293]
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by A. Kazemi, H. A. Shayanfar, J. Aghaei, M. Karami [493-313]
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by Tomáš Smutný, Vítězslav Kafka, Pavel Fiala [493-340]
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by Tomáš Smutný, Vítězslav Kafka, Karel Bartušek, Pavel Fiala [493-341]
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by Steinbauer, M., Drexler, P., Fiala, P., [493-Bi25]
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by Steinbauer, M., Bartusek, K., Foltyn, D. [493-Bi26]
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by Cechak, J. [493-Bi33]
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by Martin Zlomek, Pavel Fiala [493-260]
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Stodola, P. [493-Bi8]
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